- 1、They run it with atruly professional but personal touch.(他们以真正专业而个性化的方式经营它。)
- 2、Chimps aretruly selfish.(黑猩猩真的很自私。)
- 3、But are these bookstruly helpful?(但这些书真的有用吗?)
- 4、Today we aretruly poor and starving.(现在,我们真的很穷,很饿。)
- 5、On her wedding day the bride lookedtruly radiant.(在她婚礼那天,新娘看起来真的是容光焕发。)
- 6、She was atruly remarkable woman.(她是一位真正非同凡响的女人。)
- 7、The war is well andtruly over.(战争彻底结束了。)
- 8、Believe me, Susan, I amtruly sorry.(相信我,苏珊,我由衷地感到愧疚。)
- 9、Is a questionnaire answered by 500 peopletruly representative of the population as a whole?(由500人参加的问卷调查能真正代表所有民众吗?)
- 10、Itruly think you think it, sir.(我真的认为你是这么想的,先生。)
- 11、I'mtruly sorry that things had to end like this.(事情落到这样的结局,我从内心里感到歉疚。)
- 12、Kind and patience aretruly wonderful personality traits.(善良和耐心确实是美好的人格特征。) hao86.com
- 13、He istruly outraged about what's happened to him.(他确实为发生在他身上的事情而震怒。)
- 14、There is no concrete evidence to support assertions that the recession istruly over.(没有任何确凿的证据支持经济衰退已真正结束的断言。)
- 15、What wastruly despicable was the deafening silence maintained by the candidates concerning the riots.(真正可鄙的是这些侯选人对暴乱所持的缄默态度。)
- 16、Now really andtruly it was finished.(现在,真的,真的,一切都完成了。)
- 17、Like alltruly charismatic people, he can work his magic on both men and women.(像所有真正富有魅力的人一样,他让男人和女人都很着迷。)
- 18、The birth of a live healthy baby is atruly blessed event.(生一个活泼健康的孩子确实是一件幸运的事。)
- 19、We need more realistic solutions totruly tackle traffic congestion.(我们需要更现实的解决方案来真正解决交通拥堵问题。)
- 20、I really andtruly am in love this time.(我这一次确确实实是恋爱了。)
- 21、By that time we were well andtruly lost.(那时候我们已经完全迷路了。)
- 22、She was atruly extraordinary woman.(她是位非常杰出的女性。)
- 23、Itruly blush for you.(我真替你们脸红。)
- 24、The island istruly a heaven on earth.(那个岛堪称人间天堂。)
- 25、Foreign visitors help to give atruly international flavour to the occasion.(外国客人使这个场合显出一种真正国际性的气氛。)
- 26、Alack, I fear me the letter spoke but tootruly.(哎呀,恐怕信上说的是真的。)
- 27、I amtruly the King.(我真的是国王。)
- 28、He makes King Lear atruly tragic figure.(他把李尔王刻画成一位真正的悲剧人物。)
- 29、truly thou art better than thy looks.(你真比你的外表看起来要好啊。)
- 30、Why are so few companiestruly innovative?(为什么真正创新的公司如此之少?)