- 1、He hugs thegiant.(他拥抱着巨人。)
- 2、Overhead cranes were liftinggiant sheets of steel.(高架起重机正吊起一块块巨大的钢材。)
- 3、It was agiant!(这是一个巨人!)
- 4、They were standing on top of agiant scaffold.(他们站在一个巨大的脚手架顶上。)
- 5、Where does the Greengiant live?(绿巨人住在哪里?)
- 6、Agiant iceberg was on a collision course with the ship.(巨大的冰山正在朝着可能与船发生相撞的方向漂移。)
- 7、She killed thegiant.(她杀了巨人。)
- 8、The team's mascot is agiant swan.(这个队的吉祥物是只大天鹅。)
- 9、He is agiant.(他是一位巨人。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 10、He went to the party in agiant chicken costume.(他是打扮成一只大鸡去参加聚会的。)
- 11、Where do you findgiant snails?(你从哪里找到巨大的蜗牛?)
- 12、Hisgiant face had a rough growth of stubble, his eyes looked dully ahead.(他宽大的脸庞上长着粗硬的胡子茬,眼睛黯然无神地看着前方。)
- 13、You can see agiant hippo.(你能看见一只巨大的河马。)
- 14、Agiant stands there.(那有一个巨人。)
- 15、He looked like agiant lizard with legs and arms.(他看起来像一只巨大的蜥蜴,有手有脚。)
- 16、"Do that likewise," said thegiant, "if you have strength."(“像那样做,”巨人说,“如果你有力气的话。”)
- 17、Newton was an intellectualgiant.(牛顿是一个智力巨人。)
- 18、The angry greengiant is back!(愤怒的绿色巨人回来了。)
- 19、The result has been agiant leap in productivity.(其结果就是生产力的大幅度提高。)
- 20、I'm sick of thegiant.(我讨厌那个巨人。)
- 21、Agiant wildcat is being hunted after 58 lambs were butchered.(正在猎捕一只杀了58只羊羔的大野猫。)
- 22、He's agiant of a man.(他是个巨人。)
- 23、It’s agiant pumpkin.(这是个巨大的南瓜。)
- 24、Mom! Mom! There's a meangiant in the castle.(妈妈,妈妈,城堡里面有一个卑鄙刻薄的巨人。)
- 25、It was agiant beanstalk!(那是一颗巨型豆茎!)
- 26、The tower has twogiant holes.(塔身有两个巨大的洞。)
- 27、Thegiant has a goose.(巨人有一只鹅。)
- 28、Fewer than a thousandgiant pandas still live in the wild.(不到1000只的大熊猫还处于野生状态。)
- 29、Picking up his bag thegiant strode off deep into the forest.(巨人拿起袋子,大步走入森林深处。)
- 30、He looks scary but he's really a gentlegiant.(他看上去可怕,实际却是个性格温和的巨人。)