- 1、He is alwaysawake at midnight.(他常常到了午夜还醒着。)
- 2、I wasawake half the night worrying.(我忧心忡忡,半宿不能成眠。)
- 3、Suddenly he found himselfawake and fully alert.(突然他发觉自己醒了过来,而且高度警觉。)
- 4、I was finding it hard to stayawake.(我已困得难熬。)
- 5、"We're bothawake," said Mary.(“我们都醒着。”玛丽说。)
- 6、Were youawake or asleep when they came?(它们来的时候你是醒着还是睡着了?)
- 7、I was barely able to stayawake.(我几乎无法保持清醒。)
- 8、I can't stayawake any longer.(我瞌睡得再也熬不住了。)
- 9、I layawake for much of the night.(我大半夜都没睡着。)
- 10、Over a 3rd of the time we'reawake.(我们醒着的时间占三分之一以上。)
- 11、Stand up and walk around you will feel moreawake.(站起来四处走走,你会感觉更清醒。)
- 12、In a few seconds she was wideawake.(片刻之间她完全醒来。)
- 13、Iawake to the smell of sizzling bacon in the galley.(我醒来时闻到厨房里咝咝作响的熏肉的味道。)
- 14、She was suddenly wideawake, her nerves jangling.(她突然间清醒过来,神经焦躁不安。)
- 15、I was in that half-and-half land where you are not completely asleep nor completelyawake.(我当时半睡半醒。)
- 16、He is stillawake.(他还醒着呢。)
- 17、"awake and be clean!" I say.(“醒醒,该洗漱了!”我说道。)
- 18、Now they'reawake, alive—and I don't want to go back.(现在他们醒了,还活着;而我不想回去了。)
- 19、Coffee can keep usawake.(咖啡能使我们保持清醒。)
- 20、He was not quiteawake yet.(他还没有完全醒过来。) Hao86.com
- 21、It must stayawake to breathe and to watch for danger.(它必须保持清醒以呼吸和注意危险。)
- 22、I could not relax and still felt wideawake.(我不能放松,仍然觉得很清醒。)
- 23、The dream had snapped asunder--he wasawake.(梦碎了——他醒了。)
- 24、Tom layawake and waited, in restless impatience.(汤姆醒着躺在那里,焦躁不安地等着。)
- 25、The hypnotic state actually lies somewhere between beingawake and being asleep.(催眠状态实际上是介于清醒与睡眠之间。)
- 26、I was stillawake when he came to bed.(他就寝时我还没有入睡。)
- 27、He had been drinking mugs of coffee to keep himselfawake.(他一直在喝大杯大杯的咖啡让自己保持清醒。)
- 28、Am I asleep orawake?(我是睡着了还是醒着?)
- 29、The noise was keeping everyoneawake.(喧闹声吵得大家都睡不着。)
- 30、The noise kept himawake.(噪音使他一直醒着。)