- 1、The ship steeredinto port.(船驶进港口。)
- 2、We peeredinto the shadows.(我们往阴暗处仔细瞧。) hao86.com
- 3、He slipped unawaresinto sleep.(他不知不觉地睡着了。)
- 4、He shoutedinto the mouthpiece.(他冲着电话话筒大叫。)
- 5、The child wentinto convulsions.(那孩子全身抽搐起来。)
- 6、He slidinto bed.(他不声不响地钻进被子。)
- 7、He screwed the paperinto a ball and tossed itinto the fire.(他把那片纸揉成一团扔进了火里。)
- 8、Let's separateinto smaller groups.(让我们分成更小的组吧。)
- 9、They bulldozed himinto selling.(他们胁迫他卖出。)
- 10、I was suckeredinto helping.(我受骗帮忙去了。)
- 11、I sankinto an armchair.(我坐到扶手椅上。)
- 12、The company wentinto liquidation.(这家公司进入了停业清理阶段。)
- 13、Moira bouncedinto the office.(莫伊拉蹦蹦跳跳地走进办公室。)
- 14、They relapsedinto silence.(他们又都沉默不语。)
- 15、He sank deeperinto depression.(他越来越消沉。)
- 16、Their friendship blossomedinto love.(他们的友谊发展成了爱情。)
- 17、He wentinto the house.(他进了房子。)
- 18、The unrest eruptedinto revolution.(动乱爆发为革命。)
- 19、She was slidinginto depression.(她逐渐消沉下去。)
- 20、Sid brokeinto demented laughter.(席德突然狂笑起来。)
- 21、The bolt clickedinto place.(门闩咔嗒一声插上了。)
- 22、He bamboozled Mercerinto defeat.(他蒙骗默瑟并击败了他。)
- 23、I'minto electronics myself.(我自己对电子学很感兴趣。)
- 24、I walkedinto town.(我走进了市中心。)
- 25、Finally she driftedinto sleep.(最后她不知不觉地睡着了。)
- 26、He sankinto deep melancholia.(他陷入了深深的忧郁。)
- 27、We emergedinto bright sunlight.(我们来到明媚的阳光下。)
- 28、The radio crackledinto life.(收音机嘎嘎地响了起来。)
- 29、Caterpillars changeinto butterflies.(毛虫变成蝴蝶。)
- 30、He's goneinto detox.(他进了戒毒所。)