- 1、most of them were chronically ill.(他们中大部分人都有慢性病。)
- 2、most students live in college.(大多数学生住在学院里。)
- 3、most of my friends are Christian.(我大多数朋友都信奉基督教。)
- 4、most telephone calls are traceable.(大多数电话都可查出是从哪里打来的。)
- 5、most modern art leaves me cold.(大多数的现代艺术引不起我的兴趣。)
- 6、most wikis are collaborative websites.(大多数维基网站是合作网站。)
- 7、most vegetables contain fibre.(大多数蔬菜含有纤维。)
- 8、I walk to workmost mornings.(我大多数早晨步行去上班。)
- 9、She used hermost seductive voice.(她运用了自己最有魅力的嗓音。)
- 10、most bosses are traditional.(大多数老板都很传统。)
- 11、What did you enjoy (the)most?(你最欣赏的是什么?)
- 12、most adolescent problems are temporary.(多数青春期的问题都是暂时的。)
- 13、What hurtsmost is the betrayal.(最让人伤心的是背叛。)
- 14、most European spiders don't bite.(大多数欧洲蜘蛛不咬人。)
- 15、most rated it a hit.(大部分人认为那是一次辉煌的成功。)
- 16、most bats navigate by echolocation.(大多数蝙蝠通过回声定位飞行。)
- 17、most birds are monogamous.(大多数飞禽都是单配性的。)
- 18、I likemost vegetables.(几乎什么蔬菜我都喜欢。)
- 19、most people obey the law.(大多数人遵守法律。)
- 20、He was hermost hated enemy.(他是她最恨的人。)
- 21、most teenage romances are transitory.(大多数少年时代的罗曼史都转瞬即逝。)
- 22、most artists are very individualistic.(大多数艺术家都非常我行我素。) haO86.com
- 23、Which fuel burnsmost efficiently?(哪种燃料燃烧效果最佳?)
- 24、most have meekly accepted such advice.(大多数人都已顺从地接受了这样的建议。)
- 25、He dines alonemost nights.(大多数晚上他都独自进餐。)
- 26、most animals are afraid of fire.(大多数动物怕火。)
- 27、most people's faces are asymmetric.(大多数人的脸不对称。)
- 28、They go clubbingmost weekends.(他们大多数周末都去泡夜总会。)
- 29、most CD-players are programmable.(绝大多数激光唱片机都是程控的。)