


更新时间:2025-03-09 23:22:41

  • 1、I willhighlight the most glaring.(这里我只强调说明最突出的问题。)
  • 2、But the torta de milanesa de res—or breaded beef cutlet sandwich—was thehighlight.(不过,夹着炸牛肉排的饼——或者说裹着面包屑的炸牛肉片三明治——才是这顿饭的亮点。)
  • 3、Pleasehighlight any terms that are unfamiliar to you.(请把你们不熟悉的用语都标示出来。)
  • 4、Let mehighlight three important areas.(让我强调三个重要方面。)
  • 5、Thehighlight of the pope's visit will be his message to the people.(教皇访问的亮点是,他将给人们传达训诫。)
  • 6、highlight the data source to test.(突出显示要测试的数据源。)
  • 7、Although it hardly seems practical to trick ourselves into eating less, the new findings dohighlight the benefits of focusing on our food and avoiding TV and multitasking while eating.(尽管欺骗自己少吃似乎不太现实,但新发现确实强调了在吃饭时专注于食物、避免看电视和多任务处理的好处。)
  • 8、This was our summerhighlight.(这是我们暑假最快乐的时光。)
  • 9、He attempted to cartwheel 57 miles from Brighton to London tohighlight the problem of people taking stones from beaches to decorate their gardens.(很多英国人从海滩搬大石头回家装饰花园,为了讽刺他们,他打算从布莱顿横翻57英里到伦敦。)
  • 10、I want to justhighlight this point for you because we're going to come back and look at it.(我想为你们强调下这一点,因为我们即将回过头去看看它。)
  • 11、This might be thehighlight of her life.(这会是她人生中的亮点。)
  • 12、If you are using an outline or notes,highlight ideas or phrases you should stress in your speech with a different coloured pen or something.(如果你在使用提纲或笔记,用不同颜色的笔或其他东西标记出你在演讲中应该强调的观点或短语。)
  • 13、This fact, and the careful, solitary placement of the kiva in the center of the mission complex courtyards, suggests an intention tohighlight the importance of the kiva rather than to diminish it.(这一事实,以及将(普埃布洛印第安人庆祝用的)地下礼堂小心翼翼地单独放置在传教士建筑群庭院的中心,表明了突出这个地下礼堂的重要性,而不是贬低它的意图。)
  • 14、The Gherkin is cunningly crafted out of two types of melon and embedded with green beans tohighlight its renowned spiraling glass frames.(小黄瓜大厦由两种瓜类巧妙建成,并饰以青豆,以突出其著名的螺旋形玻璃框架。)
  • 15、highlight mail with labels.(使用标签高亮显示邮件。)
  • 16、highlight how you saved previous companies' time or money, or new ideas you had that the company implemented.(强调你如何节省了以前公司的时间或金钱,或你关于公司实施的新想法。)
  • 17、Thehighlight of your evening is the hotdog with remoulade from 7/11.(你一晚上最精彩的部分是:吃着从7-11买的蛋黄酱热狗。)
  • 18、Othershighlight the strain that undocumented immigrants place on public services, like schools, hospitals, and jails.(另一些人强调非法移民给学校、医院和监狱等公共服务带来的压力。)
  • 19、highlight the label shown in Figure 25.(如图25中突出显示的标签所示。)
  • 20、Let mehighlight some key points.(请允许我强调一下其中一些要点。)
  • 21、highlight it and click OK.(突出显示这个类并单击ok。)
  • 22、Thehighlight is Heronry and Waders during the winter months.(亮点是冬季的鹭群和涉禽。)
  • 23、Definitely an albumhighlight.(无疑是专辑的亮点。)
  • 24、It is, more importantly, an educational campaign tohighlight the contemporary reality of "racial deficits" of all kinds, the unequal conditions that impact blacks regardless of class.(更重要的是,这是一场教育运动,旨在突出各种“种族缺陷”的当代现实,影响黑人不论阶级的不平等状况。)
  • 25、I'm just trying tohighlight things you already know a little bit about.(我只是想强调一些你们已经知道的东西。)
  • 26、These feelingshighlight the affective or emotional component; they are an important ingredient in attitudes.(这些感觉突出了情感或情绪成分,它们是态度的重要组成部分。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 27、It shouldhighlight what you have to offer the company, such as a specific skill or experience.(它应该突出你能为公司提供什么,比如特定的技能或经验。)
  • 28、The surveyor's report didn'thighlight anything untoward.(测量员的报告没有强调有出乎意料的困难。)
  • 29、Even if youhighlight important points or take notes in a class, you probably do not fully understand what you learned.(即使你在课堂上用彩色笔标出中重点或记笔记,你都不一定能完全理解你学到的东西。)
  • 30、A week-long celebration leads up to an exciting "tomato battle" as thehighlight of the week's events(为期一周的庆祝活动中最精彩的部分就是激动人心的“番茄大战”。)


英 [ˈhaɪlaɪt] 美 [ˈhaɪˌlaɪt] 

过去式: highlighted 过去分词: highlighted 现在分词: highlighting 第三人称单数: highlights

vt.强调;照亮;加亮;使 ... 显得重要;使突出

