- 1、Theprimary school is on your right.(这所小学在你的右边。)
- 2、She practised the piano in theprimary school basement.(她在小学的地下室里练习弹钢琴。)
- 3、Beside my school is aprimary school.(在我学校附近有一所小学。)
- 4、That's theprimary reason the company's share price has held up so well.(这就是那家公司的股票价格一直保持得这么好的首要原因。)
- 5、When did you go toprimary school?(你什么时候上的小学?)
- 6、Yes, they are at aprimary school.(是的,他们上小学。)
- 7、Ninety-nine percent ofprimary pupils now have hands-on experience of computers.(99%的小学生如今都有电脑实际操作经验。)
- 8、It is always women who are theprimary carers.(一直由妇女做主要的看护人。)
- 9、Nowprimary school students all like me.(现在小学生们都很喜欢我。)
- 10、Theprimary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.(这门课的主要目的是提高英语会话能力。)
- 11、I go to Starprimary School.(我在思达小学上学。)
- 12、I entered aprimary school.(我上了一所小学。)
- 13、His misunderstanding of language was theprimary cause of his other problems.(他对语言的误解是他其他问题的主要原因。)
- 14、We were classmates inprimary school.(我们在小学是同班同学。)
- 15、It is clear that theprimary duty of parents is to provide protection for our children.(很明显,父母的首要职责就是为孩子提供保护。)
- 16、It's just a smallprimary school.(这里只是一个很小的小学。)
- 17、We turn now to ourprimary question.(我们现在转到我们的主要问题上。)
- 18、These are very cuteprimary school kids.(这些是非常可爱的小学生们。)
- 19、Computers are now commonplace inprimary classrooms.(计算机如今在小学教室里很普遍。)
- 20、One of government'sprimary duties is the redistribution of income, so that the better off can help the worse off out of poverty.(政府的主要职责之一就是收入的重新分配,这样富裕的人能帮助贫穷的人摆脱贫困。)
- 21、They are myprimary school classmates.(他们是我的小学同学。)
- 22、Can we just backtrack a little bit and look at yourprimary and secondary education?(我们能否稍微回顾一下刚刚提及的你的中小学教育背景?)
- 23、The content ofprimary education should be the same for everyone.(初级教育的内容对每个人都应该是相同的。)
- 24、We likeprimary school students.(我们喜欢小学生。)
- 25、She is aprimary school teacher.(她是一名小学老师。)
- 26、We are in the sameprimary school.(我们在同一所小学上课。)
- 27、It comes in brightprimary colours that kids will love.(它的颜色都是孩子们喜爱的亮丽原色。) Hao86.com
- 28、The town has only oneprimary school.(这个镇只有一所小学。)
- 29、Peter is aprimary school pupil.(彼特是一名小学生。)
- 30、He teaches English in aprimary school.(他在一所小学教英语。)