


更新时间:2025-03-09 23:22:16

  • 1、For example, one echo they quickly identify is the one they associate with amoth, which is common prey for a bat, particularly amoth beating its wings.(例如,他们很快就能识别出与飞蛾有关的回声,飞蛾是蝙蝠的常见猎物,尤其是扑打翅膀的飞蛾。)
  • 2、The relay had closed on the poor creature, crushing it to death. The defense department didn't care about the loss of amoth.(接力赛结束了,这个可怜的家伙被压死了。国防部并不关心一只飞蛾的死活。)
  • 3、The sweater ismoth-eaten.(毛衣被虫蛀了。)
  • 4、My husband, an otherwise sensible man, has the regrettable habit of turning on the television each and every morning, like amoth to the flame.(我的丈夫,一个在其他方面很明智的人,有一个可叹的习惯,每一天的早晨,他总是要打开电视机,就如飞蛾扑火一般。)
  • 5、In stands dominated by trees such as aspen, however, incipient gypsymoth outbreaks are quickly suppressed by viral epidemics.(然而,在以白杨等树为主的林分,最初的舞毒蛾爆发很快就被病毒流行病所抑制。)
  • 6、moth accepted the victory graciously.(莫丝有风度地接受了胜利。)
  • 7、Around streetlights in leafy suburbs, what often seems like amoth at first glance may, in fact, be a small bat.(在绿树成荫的郊区,街灯周围经常有乍一看像是飞蛾的东西,事实上可能是一只小蝙蝠。)
  • 8、They can detect ultrasound; this means that when a bat approaches, themoth can detect the bat's presence.(它们可以探测到超声波;这意味着当蝙蝠靠近,飞蛾可以察觉到它的存在。)
  • 9、We drove through a somewhatmoth-eaten deer park.(我们开车路过一个有些破旧的鹿苑。)
  • 10、This strategy looks increasinglymoth-eaten.(这种策略显得越来越老套。)
  • 11、I dreamed I was a spaceman, burned like amoth in a flame.(我幻想着我是一名时空战士,能像扑火的飞蛾一样燃烧。)
  • 12、moth was silent for a moment, weighing the decision.(莫丝沉默了片刻,权衡着这个决定。)
  • 13、So he passed the time building amoth collection.(因此,为了打发时间,他开始了收集蛾子的工作。)
  • 14、Outside, in the cold,moth barely noticed he had rejoined her.(在房子外面,莫丝站在寒冷中,几乎没有注意到他回到了她身边。)
  • 15、I kept for nearly a year the flask-shaped cocoon of an emperormoth.(我有一个天蛾的茧儿,差不多藏了一年。)
  • 16、So, the echoes from a tree are going to a mass of chaotic acoustic reflections, not like the echo from amoth.(所以,树的回声会是一团混乱的声波反射,而不像飞蛾的回声那样。)
  • 17、moth sucked her teeth and tipped her head to the side.(莫丝舌头顶着牙齿,头调到一侧去。)
  • 18、He gave her "a queer sort ofmoth-and-flame feeling", so she followed.(他给了她“一种古怪的似飞蛾扑火的感觉”,于是她就跟了上去。)
  • 19、"Possum,"moth said.(“负鼠,”莫丝说。)
  • 20、moth had a new possum.(莫丝有了一只新负鼠。)
  • 21、What do a hummingbird, amoth, and a maple tree have in common?(蜂鸟、蛾子和枫树之间有什么共同之处呢?)
  • 22、Its website touts Waxmoth Larvae ceviche, with a Brooklyn Lager.(它的网站上大力宣扬酸橘汁腌蜡螟幼虫搭配布鲁克林啤酒的吃法。)
  • 23、The gypsymoth is also subject to attack by the nucleopolyhedrosis virus, or wilt disease, a particularly important killer of the caterpillars in outbreak years.(舞毒蛾还会受到核多角体病毒或萎蔫病的攻击,在毛虫爆发的年代,这是一种特别重要的杀手。)
  • 24、The thought fluttered in her mind like a flame-attractedmoth.(这想法有如被火光吸引的飞蛾在她的头脑中飞舞。)
  • 25、Dean was ragged in amoth-eaten overcoat he bought specially for the freezing temperatures of the East.(狄恩穿着一件被虫蛀过的破大衣,这是他特意买来抵御东部寒冷气候的。)
  • 26、They removed themoth, and the program worked.(他们弄走了飞蛾,程序继续运转。)
  • 27、She may have observed the adultmoth just as it emerged from its pupa.(她可能是在成年蛾刚从蛹中孵化出来的时候观察到它的。)
  • 28、I watched themoth crawl up the outside of the lampshade.(我看着蛾子爬上灯罩表面。)
  • 29、In relay number 70, amoth had been trapped.(在70号继电器中,一只飞蛾被困住了。)


英 [mɒθ] 美 [mɔ:θ] 

名词复数: moths

