- 1、Themonkey is eating.(这只猴子正在吃东西。)
- 2、Amonkey suddenly appeared!(有一只猴子突然间出现!)
- 3、Themonkey hopped on the trees.(这只猴子在树上跳着。)
- 4、He jumps like amonkey.(他像猴子一样跳起来。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 5、He wearsmonkey clothes.(他穿着猴子服。)
- 6、The old man has a naughtymonkey.(老人有一只顽皮的猴子。)
- 7、I give amonkey a tree and a tiger a mountain.(我给猴一棵树,给虎一座山。)
- 8、Themonkey could eat apples first.(猴子可以先吃苹果。)
- 9、You cheekymonkey!(你这厚脸皮的猴崽子!)
- 10、Amonkey swings through trees.(猴子在树丛中穿荡。)
- 11、Themonkey is beside a sofa.(猴子在沙发旁边。)
- 12、"You can't come back." shouted themonkey.(“你不能回来了。”猴子喊道。)
- 13、He sometimes does not even look like amonkey.(他有时甚至看起来不像一只猴子。)
- 14、Themonkey was swinging in the tree.(猴子在树上荡来荡去。)
- 15、You toldmonkey not to bring me anything!(你叫猴子不要给我带东西!)
- 16、An elephant and amonkey were arguing.(一只大象和一只猴子在争吵。)
- 17、Themonkey chases it away again and again.(猴子一再追着它。)
- 18、Look, I have a redmonkey.(看,我有一只红色的猴子。)
- 19、Thismonkey can wash dishes.(这只猴子会洗碗。)
- 20、Because he was angry with themonkey.(因为他生猴子的气。)
- 21、People love to see the clevermonkey.(人们爱看聪明的猴子。)
- 22、The woolly spidermonkey is the largest primate in the Americas.(绒毛蛛猴是美洲最大的灵长目动物。)
- 23、The elephant is much bigger than themonkey.(大象比猴子大得多。)
- 24、Themonkey is so cute.(这只猴子好可爱。)
- 25、Themonkey is eating a mango.(猴子在吃芒果。)
- 26、Themonkey was very angry.(这只猴子很生气。)
- 27、Is themonkey from South America?(猴子来自南美洲吗?)
- 28、Themonkey thought hard and had an idea.(猴子努力想了想,有了一个主意。)
- 29、Themonkey King is not just any normalmonkey.(美猴王不是普通的猴子。)