- 1、She has met the minimumeducational requirements for qualification.(她已达到了资格取得所需的最低教育水准。)
- 2、School, whether we like it or not, iseducational.(不管我们是否喜欢,学校都是有教育意义的。)
- 3、educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes.(教育实践活动易出现突然的转向和变化。)
- 4、His life was entirely given up to theeducational work.(他的一生统统献给了教育工作。)
- 5、They have differenteducational backgrounds.(他们有着不同的教育背景。)
- 6、Thousands of Victorian workers joinededucational associations in an attempt to better themselves.(维多利亚时代成千上万名工人加入了各种教育协会,以求上进。)
- 7、Recent events have radicalized opinion oneducational matters.(最近发生的事使人们对教育的看法有了全新的改变。)
- 8、Our club is open to everyone regardless of age, sex oreducational background.(我们的俱乐部对所有人开放,不论年龄、性别或教育背景。)
- 9、The staff should make sure the kids have an enjoyable andeducational day.(教职员要确保孩子们度过愉快的、有教育意义的一天。)
- 10、We need to provide moreeducational opportunity for children.(我们需要为儿童提供更多的教育机会。)
- 11、He was a champion for Latinos and blacks within theeducational system.(他一直在教育系统内为美籍拉美人和黑人争取权益。)
- 12、The state's high schools remain aneducational backwater where dropout rates are rising.(该州的高中仍旧是教育封闭落后之所,辍学率在上升。) hao86.com
- 13、There is growing public disenchantment with theeducational system.(公众对教育制度越来越感到希望幻灭。)
- 14、educational expenditure is often expressed in terms of the amount spent per student.(教育经费通常以用于每个学生的开支表示。)
- 15、For example, in your case, what was youreducational background?(例如,按你的情况,你的教育背景是什么?)
- 16、There is a potentialeducational benefit in allowing pictures to tell the story, rather than the spoken word.(用图片代替语言来讲述故事可能会收到更好的教育效果。)
- 17、There were significant differences among women based on age, place of residence, andeducational levels.(基于年龄、住处和教育水平,妇女们之间存在显著的差异。)
- 18、educational success is mediated by economic factors.(经济因素影响着教育的成功。)
- 19、The early identification of children with specialeducational needs is very important.(早期确认儿童有特殊教育需求很重要。)
- 20、Historically, the major purpose of free public libraries waseducational.(从历史上看,开设免费公共图书馆的主要目的是教育。)
- 21、This holiday is meant to beeducational as well as fun.(这个节日是为了教育和乐趣。)
- 22、We are chiefly concerned with improvingeducational standards.(我们主要关心的是提高教育水平。)
- 23、We carry a range ofeducational software.(我们出售各种教育软件。)
- 24、To me the only justification for a zoo iseducational.(对我来说,动物园存在的惟一正当理由就是它的教育意义。)
- 25、She set up aneducational fund in memory of her mother.(她为了纪念她的母亲而设立了一个教育基金。)
- 26、educational requirements differ from country to country.(各国的教育要求会有所不同。)
- 27、An assessment by an independenteducational psychologist was essential.(由一位独立的教育心理学家做评估是至关重要的。)
- 28、Why is it in this country that we have departed from goodeducational sense?(为什么我们这个国家偏离了良好的教育观念?)
- 29、I think we need to improve oureducational system in general.(我认为我们需要从总体上改进我们的教育体制。)
- 30、His life was entirely given up toeducational work.(他的一生全部献给了教育工作。)