- 1、I had never really learned totype properly.(我从未真正地学会正确地打字。)
- 2、We do not ordinarily carry out thistype of work.(我们通常不会实际去做这类工作。)
- 3、What bloodtype do you have?(你是什么血型?)
- 4、I love thistype of book.(我喜欢这类书籍。)
- 5、They stock every imaginabletype of pasta.(他们备有各种能想到的意大利面食。)
- 6、Speed was of the essence in a project of thistype.(速度在一个这种类型的项目中至关重要。)
- 7、He's not the nervoustype.(他不是那种好紧张的人。)
- 8、Thistype of work is uncharted territory for us.(我们从未涉足过这类工作。)
- 9、What do you charge for work of thistype?(这种活你收多少钱?)
- 10、He's the strong silenttype.(他是那种强悍而沉默寡言的人。)
- 11、She's the artistictype.(她是艺术家一类的人。)
- 12、How fast can youtype?(你打字有多快?)
- 13、I love thesetype of books.(我爱读这些种类的书籍。)
- 14、Thistype of work rapidly becomes routine.(这种工作很快就变得乏味无聊。)
- 15、I cantype your essays for you.(我可以为你打文章。)
- 16、He's not thetype to be unfaithful.(他不是背信弃义的那种人。) hAo86.com
- 17、Have you done thistype of work before?(你以前做过这种工作吗?)
- 18、I can't forgive thattype of behaviour.(我不能宽恕那种行为。)
- 19、Whattype of heating do you have?(你们用什么供暖?)
- 20、I can't read this smalltype.(我无法读这种小号字体。)
- 21、Thetype was too small for me to read.(这种印刷文字太小,我看不清。)
- 22、Thistype of allergy can very occasionally be fatal.(这类过敏症在极个别情况下有可能是致命的。)
- 23、I cantype 50 words a minute.(我每分钟能打50个单词。)
- 24、Bungalows are atype of house.(平房是一种房屋。)
- 25、He became a skid rowtype of drunkard.(他变成了那种贫民窟里常见的醉鬼。)
- 26、The important words are in boldtype.(重点词是用黑体字印刷的。)
- 27、Is there a particulartype of book he enjoys?(他有特别喜爱的哪一类书籍吗?)
- 28、Like any othertype of equipment it requires regular servicing.(它和其他类型的设备一样,也需要定期检修。)