


更新时间:2025-03-09 23:21:45

  • 1、One advantage is that it is much easier for speakers to pronounce short wordscorrectly.(这样做的一个好处是,对于演讲者来说,短单词的正确发音容易得多。)
  • 2、They also did more summarizing and reviewing, checking they were understoodcorrectly.(他们还做了很多的总结和复习,检查他们是否理解正确。)
  • 3、This will ensure you have heard itcorrectly and will give you a few seconds to gather your thoughts.(这将确保你听到的是正确的,并给你几秒钟的时间来整理你的思绪。)
  • 4、Have you spelled itcorrectly?(你把它拼写对了吗?)
  • 5、The bone failed to knitcorrectly.(骨头愈合得不好。)
  • 6、If you can use a wordcorrectly and effectively, you comprehend it.(你如果能正确和有效地使用一个字,你就了解它了。)
  • 7、Very few people can pronounce my namecorrectly.(很少有人能把我的名字念正确。)
  • 8、It's important that the receptionist of the hotel make sure all the guests are registeredcorrectly.(宾馆接待员要确保所有的客人都要正确登记,这一点很重要。)
  • 9、I still couldn't spell my full namecorrectly.(我还是不能正确地拼出我自己的全名。)
  • 10、Please check that your surname and forenames have beencorrectly entered.(请核对你的姓名已正确输入。)
  • 11、Should not I be able to set it forthcorrectly before the judge, if occasion required?(我在必要的时候,难道不能在法官面前正确地陈述吗?)
  • 12、Shecorrectly points out that bacteria are everywhere: on us, in us and all around us.(她正确地指出细菌无处不在:在我们身上,在我们体内以及在我们周围。)
  • 13、Did I pronounce your namecorrectly?(我把你的名字读对了吗?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 14、These students weren't able to complete the problemscorrectly.(这些学生不能正确地答完这些问题。)
  • 15、It is important that the hotel receptionist has made sure that guests are registeredcorrectly.(旅馆接待员确保客人登记正确是很重要的。)
  • 16、Sometimes we feel we are actingcorrectly when we do the same as others.(有时候,当我们和别人做同样的事情时,我们会觉得自己的行为是正确的。)
  • 17、I think the police commission actedcorrectly.(我认为警方行动正确。)
  • 18、They believed,correctly, that IQ tests are a valid method of evaluating children for special education classes.(他们相信,IQ测试是评估孩子是否适合特殊教育课程的有效方法,这是正确的。)
  • 19、Is your name spelledcorrectly?(你的名字拼正确了吗?)
  • 20、He was lookingcorrectly grave.(他表情严肃得体。)
  • 21、Such collected information helps doctors discover the cause of an illness faster and morecorrectly.(这些收集到的信息能帮助医生更快更准确地发现造成疾病的原因。)
  • 22、Ordinary soap, usedcorrectly, can deal with bacteria effectively.(如果能够正确使用普通肥皂,它可以有效地杀灭细菌。)
  • 23、Whenever they respondedcorrectly, they were rewarded with fish.(只要他们回答正确,就会得到鱼作为奖励。)
  • 24、It is important to judge the weight of your washing loadcorrectly.(正确估计你的待洗衣物的量很重要。)
  • 25、He predictedcorrectly that there was going to be a stock market crash.(他正确地预测到将出现股市崩溃。)
  • 26、My own mother was brought up very strictly andcorrectly.(我自己的母亲是被非常严厉且正确地养大的。)
  • 27、The second diagram showscorrectly how the passage is developed.(第二幅图表正确地显示了通道的发展方式。)
  • 28、All answers will be written in the whiteboardcorrectly.(所有的答案将会被正确地写在白板上。)
  • 29、Use discount tickets at the supermarket—but use themcorrectly.(在超市使用打折票——但要正确使用。)


英 [kə'rektlɪ] 美 [kəˈrɛktlɪ] 

