


更新时间:2025-03-09 23:21:23

  • 1、In vice, the attraction of theabnormal creates troubling anxiety: the spirit seems to have become blood and stirs in the flesh like an immanent force.(在邪恶中,异常事物的吸引创造出令人不安的焦虑:精神似乎已经变成了血液,像一股内在的力量搅动着肉体。)
  • 2、The rare disorder, in which one side of the brain grows substantially larger than the other, occurs when neurons in theabnormal hemisphere undergo too many cell divisions before they mature.(当异常半球中的神经元在成熟之前经历过多的细胞分裂时,就会发生这种罕见的疾病,即大脑一侧长得比另一侧大得多。) 【好工具】
  • 3、Theabnormal bleeding is your body's own red flag of danger.(这反常的流血是你身体本身的危险信号。)
  • 4、We've become completely desensitise to the fact that breeding these deformed, disabled, disease-prone animals is either shocking orabnormal.(繁殖这些变形的、残疾的和容易患有疾病的动物是一件可怕而反常的事情,而我们对这一现实已经完全地麻木了。)
  • 5、They have oneabnormal gene from that parent and one normal gene from the other parent.(他们具有来自父母一方的一个异常基因和来自父母另一方的一个正常基因。)
  • 6、But suppose we draw theabnormal case.(但让我们来设想一个特殊的案例。)
  • 7、They thought his behaviour wasabnormal.(他们认为他行为反常。)
  • 8、A desperate honesty that throbs through his confession does not absolve him from sins of diabolical cunning. He isabnormal.(他的忏悔被绝望的虔诚悸动着,并也不能免除他那恶魔的狡诈。他是不正常的。)
  • 9、The market isabnormal now.(市场现在运转不正常。)
  • 10、Theseabnormal LPL cells produce large amounts of the protein immunoglobulin and macroglobulin.(这些异常的LPL细胞产生大量的蛋白免疫球蛋白和巨球蛋白。)
  • 11、It helps doctors to findabnormal signs of heart pumping.(它可以帮助医生发现心脏跳动异常的迹象。)
  • 12、Anabnormal climate stunted the crops.(不正常的气候妨碍了庄稼的正常生长。)
  • 13、His advance seems almostabnormal.(他的康复几乎是不正常的。)
  • 14、That can happen but that'sabnormal, but changes in maybe the chemistry of the backbone that holds the nucleotides together.(那可能发生的,但属于非正常的变化,但是可能主链的化学变化将核苷酸结合在一起。)
  • 15、Anabnormal amount of snow fell here last week.(上周这里下了异常大的雪。)
  • 16、But a series of tests showed Ms Yang something wasabnormal.(但是经过一系列检测后,杨女士发现一个异常讯号。)
  • 17、abnormal insulin levels cause diabetes.(非正常的胰岛素水平会造成糖尿病。)
  • 18、Migraine headaches are caused byabnormal blood flow to the brain.(偏头痛是由于异常的血流量进入大脑引起的。)
  • 19、Pap smears work by detectingabnormal cells that are cancer precursors and that can be destroyed using techniques like lasers.(巴氏涂片可以检测异常细胞,这些细胞是癌症的前兆,可以使用激光等技术来摧毁它们。)
  • 20、B: it wasabnormal. I think it won't happen again.(B:去年的天气是不正常的,我想今年不会再那样了。)
  • 21、These are anabnormal group of psychopaths.(他们是一群不正常的精神变态者)
  • 22、His team investigated the state ofabnormal composition of hemoprotein in myelodysplastic syndrome.(他的团队探讨骨髓增生异常综合征的患者血红蛋白合成异常的情况。)
  • 23、Different is notabnormal!(性趋向不同不等同于不正常!)
  • 24、abnormal fear is very bad and destructive.(不正常的恐惧是有害的、消极的。)
  • 25、Thisabnormal shutdown prevents the device from being managed by another manager instance.(这种异常关闭阻止设备被另一个管理员实例管理。)
  • 26、He concluded that Oswald was somewhatabnormal.(他断定奥斯瓦德有点不正常。)
  • 27、We think that we may have an almost complete understanding of the set ofabnormal genes that drive this cancer.(我们想我们可能对导致这种癌症的一组异常基因有了近乎完全的了解。)
  • 28、In theabnormal case, the personality theorist needs to say, or so it seems to me, the two deaths come apart.(在不正常的情况下,人格理论者需要说,或者说在我看来,这两个死亡是分开的。)
  • 29、In the cases with hypogenetic mandible, there was no significant difference between the normal andabnormal side in both groups.(在下颌骨发育不良的情况下,两组的正常侧和异常侧之间均无显着差异。)


英 [æbˈnɔ:ml] 美 [æbˈnɔ:rml] 

副词: abnormally


