- 1、The center says the pattern should begin toweaken in a week or two.(该中心说这一走势应该会在一两周后开始减弱。)
- 2、Israel has intervened even more forcefully toweaken the shekel.(以色列甚至使用强制性地手段使谢克尔贬值。)
- 3、There was one caveat: he was not to enter into a merger or otherwiseweaken the Roche family's control of the firm.(提醒一下:他不是要参与并购或其他削弱罗技家族对该公司控制的行动。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 4、He did his best toweaken them.(他尽其所能去削弱他们。)
- 5、Punishment and penalty fail toweaken the strong belief.(惩罚和罚款都不能削弱他们的坚强信念。)
- 6、It can also corrode andweaken the shell over time.(而且时间长了也还腐蚀弱化龟壳。)
- 7、In any case, cash gifts canweaken the resolve of even the noblest person.(在任何情况下,即使是最高贵的人,现金礼物也会削弱他的决心。)
- 8、Nothing couldweaken his resolve to continue.(什么也不能削弱他继续下去的决心。)
- 9、Don't you everweaken, Huck, and I won't.(你不会动摇的,哈克,我也不会的。)
- 10、It also tends toweaken the currency and increase inflation.(它削弱了货币流通并提高了通胀。)
- 11、He accused them of conniving with foreign companies toweaken employment rights.(他指控他们与外国公司共谋来削弱雇用权。)
- 12、He sees that warm water flows back eastwards when winds that normally blow westwardsweaken, or sometimes the other way round.(他发现,当通常向西吹的风减弱时,温暖的海水就会向东流回,有时反之亦然。)
- 13、They don't kill the plant butweaken it by degrees.(它们不是一下杀死植物,而是慢慢的,一点点的侵蚀。)
- 14、Forgetting clearly aids orientation in time, since old memoriesweaken and the new tend to stand out, providing clues for inferring duration.(遗忘显然有助于时间的定位,因为旧的记忆会减弱,新的记忆会突显出来,从而为推断持续的时间提供线索。)
- 15、You must not agree to do it. Don'tweaken.(你们一定不能同意做这件事。别心软。)
- 16、If you tied me with seven ropes, it would make my strengthweaken.(如果你用七根绳子绑住我的话,我的力量就会因此变弱的。)
- 17、She felt her legsweaken.(她觉得两腿无力。)
- 18、It's unclear whether climate change willweaken or intensify monsoons.(气候变化会削弱还是加强季风,这点还不清楚。)
- 19、Something as simple as a credit card canweaken self-control.(比如说一张简单的信用卡就会减弱我们的自控力。)
- 20、It couldweaken your immune system.(这会减弱你的免疫系统。)
- 21、Brownouts this summer mightweaken people's anti-nuclear zeal.(今夏,限制用电的措施可能会挫败人们抵制核电的热情。)
- 22、It will clearly lower rates. It willweaken the dollar.(这会明显地降低利率,削弱美元。)
- 23、He felt sorry for him and began first to waver and then toweaken.(他为他感到难过,内心开始动摇,然后变软下来了。)
- 24、Does this friendship strengthen me orweaken me?(这段友谊是让我变强还是变弱?)
- 25、But during this global recession, it could very wellweaken.(但是在这场全球性萧条中,它会十分虚弱。)