- 1、Youwould think my own fatherwould stick up for me once in a while.(你会认为我的亲生父亲偶尔也会支持我一下。)
- 2、Others doubted whether thatwould happen.(其他人都怀疑那会不会发生。)
- 3、Therewould be a three-month delay while the dealwould be put on ice.(会有3个月的延误,与此同时这笔交易也将暂时搁置。)
- 4、Iwould reject that contention.(我不会同意那种观点。)
- 5、would you prefer rice or noodles?(你喜欢吃米饭还是面条?)
- 6、would you like anything else?(你要点别的什么吗?)
- 7、Itwould be futile to protest.(抗议也无用。)
- 8、Shewould give nothing away.(她什么也不会泄露。)
- 9、Hewould never harm anyone.(他永远不会伤害任何人。)
- 10、would you like a sandwich?(您来一个三明治好吗?)
- 11、Whywould anyone want that job?(为什么会有人想要那份工作?)
- 12、would you like red or white?(你喜欢喝红葡萄酒还是白葡萄酒?)
- 13、would you like some coffee?(你想喝点咖啡吗?)
- 14、would you like another drink?(还想喝一杯吗?)
- 15、would you like some orange?(您想喝点橙汁吗?)
- 16、Itwould be monstrously unfair.(那将太不公平了。) haO86.com
- 17、At best Nellawould be an invalid; at worst shewould die.(最好的情况是内纳会成为一个残疾人,最糟糕的情况是她会死亡。)
- 18、Any old roomwould have done.(随便哪间屋子都行。)
- 19、He wondered idly whatwould happen.(他漫不经心地幻想着会发生什么事。)
- 20、Shewould never wear imitation pearls.(她绝不会戴假珍珠。)
- 21、His mindwould wander, and hewould lose track of what he was doing.(他会心不在焉起来,忘了自己刚才正在干什么。)
- 22、Inflationwould be lower and so nominal rateswould be more attractive in real terms.(通货膨胀将要降低,所以名义汇率实际上会更有吸引力。)
- 23、Chuck me the newspaper,would you?(请你把报纸扔给我好吗?)
- 24、Iwould dearly love to marry.(我热切地想结婚。)
- 25、Thatwould be best, Your Highness.(那就再好不过了,殿下。)
- 26、Onewould shop and cook, anotherwould set the table and anotherwould wash up.(一人会购物和烹饪,一人摆桌子,另外一人洗餐具。)
- 27、Whatwould you propose?(你想提什么建议?)
- 28、How longwould the roof hold?(这屋顶还能支撑多久?)
- 29、Getting therewould take hours.(到那儿要花很长时间。)
- 30、would you prefer me to stay?(你愿意我留下来吗?)