
take a chance

take a chance造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 23:28:26

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的take a chance的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了25条take a chance的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了take a chance的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、They also said, "I'll try anything once," and "Sure, I'lltake a chance!"(他们也说:“我会把所有事情都尝试一遍,”和,“我当然会试试看!”)
  • 2、Try something new,take a chance, but above all, smile and enjoy the scenery.(尝试一些新的事物,冒冒险,但是最重要的,是微笑并欣赏途中的美景。)
  • 3、She encourages them totake a chance on new ideas and initiatives.(她鼓励他们不妨冒险采用新的观点和措施。)
  • 4、But if you want totake a chance, maybe she's in the day room watching television.(不过,如果你想来试一下的话,她可能还在休息室看电视。)
  • 5、Staff members who are willing totake a chance and enter this arena and be change agents!(愿意抓住这次机会进入该领域成为变革推动者的工作人员!)
  • 6、Youtake a chance on the weather if you holiday in Maine.(你若在缅因州度假,对天气得碰运气。)
  • 7、Fifteen minutes later, wetake a chance and lay him down.(15分钟过后,我们试着让他躺下来。)
  • 8、Come on, baby,take a chance with us.(来吧,宝贝,咱来赌一把。)
  • 9、Few employers are willing totake a chance on a worker who's only address is the local homeless shelter.(很少有雇主愿意冒险雇用以避难所为家的人。)
  • 10、Whytake a chance - even a seemingly small chance - if you think everyone is watching and ready to judge you?(为什么冒险一试——即使是看似很小的机会——当你认为每个人都在注视并准备评价你吗?)
  • 11、Shall wetake a chance?(我们冒险一下好吗?)
  • 12、Money can be made if you are willing totake a chance.(如果你愿意碰碰运气,赚钱是很有可能的。)
  • 13、take a chance.(抓住机会。)
  • 14、If you find yourself avoiding new opportunities and disregarding problems it's time totake a chance.(如果你发现自己正在回避新的机遇,或逃避面对问题,这时就该冒险了。)
  • 15、Letstake a chance on the weather and hold the party outdoors.(让我们在天气方面碰碰运气,在户外举办聚会吧。)
  • 16、If you are a man, you should know how totake a chance in life.(你若是男人,就该知道怎样抓住机会。)
  • 17、But if you really really have to change your life, then you cantake a chance and live with me.(如果你真的非常非常想改变现在的生活状况,那么你可以尝试着过来和我一起住。) (好工具
  • 18、You're even prepared totake a chance.(你甚至愿意冒风险。)
  • 19、He decided totake a chance.(他决定冒险一试。)
  • 20、And this is one week when you shouldtake a chance and push ahead with your plans.(而且这是一周你应该利用一下机会来推进你的计划。)
  • 21、We willtake a chance on the weather and have the party outdoors.(我们将冒天气的险在室外聚会。)
  • 22、What if someone isn't willing totake a chance on you?(如果有人不愿意在你身上冒险怎么办?)
  • 23、I am 29 years old so I haven't got much time left totake a chance like this one.(我29岁了,所以没有多少时间去获得像这次这样的机会了。)
  • 24、Under the rules of the game, you really never know. You have totake a chance!(在这个游戏规则下,你真的永远不会预知结果。你只能去碰运气!)
  • 25、Mother decided not totake a chance with chicken gizzards.(妈妈决定不做酱爆鸡肫,那有一点冒险。)
take a chance基本释义

take a chance

英 [teik ə tʃɑ:ns] 美 [tek e tʃæns] 

冒险; 投机
