- 1、Millions moresuffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours.(还有数百万人由于工作时数长导致他们严重睡眠不足。)
- 2、Outsiders will continue tosuffer the most blatant discrimination.(圈外人将继续遭受极其明目张胆的歧视。)
- 3、In these days of technological change we allsuffer from information overload.(在这科技日新月异的时代,过多的信息使人人都应接不暇。)
- 4、It was not my intention that she shouldsuffer.(我没有要她吃苦头的意思。)
- 5、Your enjoyment of a novel cansuffer from too much analysis and dissection.(对一部小说过多的剖析可能会影响你对它的欣赏。)
- 6、Do yousuffer from constipation?(你便秘吗?)
- 7、TI has seen its sharessuffer because of a flight of capital to telecom and Internet-related businesses.(德州仪器的股票因为资金流向电信和因特网相关企业而遭受损失。)
- 8、Male pride forced him tosuffer in silence.(男性的自尊迫使他隐忍不言。)
- 9、A lot of studentssuffer from exam nerves.(许多学生考试怯阵。)
- 10、Refugees settling in a new countrysuffer from a number of problems.(在一个新国家定居的难民们面临许多问题。)
- 11、Those whosuffer from narcissism become self-absorbed or chronic show-offs.(被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。)
- 12、Theysuffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation.(他们受健康问题的困扰,还担心遭受辐射造成的长期影响。)
- 13、Many peoplesuffer from mental illness at some point in their lives.(许多人在人生的某个阶段都会得精神病。)
- 14、Now that Martin has begun tosuffer the effects of AIDS, he says his time is running out.(马丁已开始遭受艾滋病的折磨,他说自己时日不多了。)
- 15、It was damnably unfair that he shouldsuffer so much.(他遭受这么多痛苦,真是太不公平了!)
- 16、They clearly take a perverted delight in watching otherssuffer.(他们在看别人受罪时显然得到一种病态的快感。)
- 17、It was unfair that he shouldsuffer so much.(他遭受这么多痛苦是不公平的。)
- 18、Air bombardment raised criticism on the humanitarian grounds that innocent civilians mightsuffer.(空袭遭到了非难,因为从人道主义的角度来看,无辜的平民可能会遭受伤害。)
- 19、Many kidssuffer from acne and angst.(许多孩子深受粉刺和焦虑之苦。)
- 20、Many immigrantssuffer from a sense of alienation.(许多移民因感到不容于社会而苦恼。)
- 21、It is hard to estimate how many childrensuffer from dyslexia.(很难估计有多少孩子有诵读困难。)
- 22、After today, God willing, he willsuffer no longer.(如果上帝愿意,从今以后,他就不再受苦了。)
- 23、About 70% of womensuffer from premenstrual syndrome.(大约70%的妇女都患有经前综合症。)
- 24、I began tosuffer from headaches, which left me feeling completely drained.(我开始感到头痛,它使我感到精疲力竭。)
- 25、She couldsuffer irreversible brain damage if she is not treated within seven days.(如果在7天内得不到治疗,她的大脑有可能会受到不可恢复的损害。)
- 26、Feed plants and they grow, neglect them and theysuffer.(给植物施肥,它们就生长;疏于照管,它们就遭殃。)
- 27、Eventually even their economic predominance was tosuffer.(甚至最终,他们在经济上的主导地位也会受损。)
- 28、His wife would not be able to cope and mightsuffer a nervous breakdown.(他妻子会应付不了,也许会神经崩溃。)
- 29、Dieterssuffer from violent mood swings.(节食者们经受剧烈的情绪变化的折磨。)
- 30、I stillsuffer from catarrh and sinus problems.(我仍然患有黏膜炎和鼻窦炎。)