


更新时间:2024-12-29 23:03:19

  • 1、You must learn toweave baskets.(你必须学会编筐子。)
  • 2、Workersweave silk thread into beautiful shirts.(工人把丝线织成漂亮的衬衫。)
  • 3、Be careful to keep your mouth in range of the microphone; don'tweave around or turn away to answer a question from the side.(要注意保持你的嘴在麦克风的范围内;不要晃来晃去或转过身去回答旁边的问题。)
  • 4、Larval and nymphal ticks may penetrate a coarseweave sock.(幼虫和蜱蛹可能会渗透粗织袜子。)
  • 5、Smaller firms have already started toweave a network of services.(小一点的公司已经开始编织服务网。)
  • 6、These are the threads thatweave the tapestry of humanity’s story.(它们是编织人类历史挂毯的丝线。)
  • 7、I think you canweave a story around this incident.(我想你可以围绕这一事件编一个故事。)
  • 8、She sat at her loom and continued toweave.(她坐在织布机前,继续织布。)
  • 9、They pretended to beweavers, telling they knew how toweave the finest fabrics imaginable.(他们装作是织布工人,说他们知道怎样织出所能想到的最美的织品。)
  • 10、He had toweave his way through the milling crowds.(他不得不在来回乱转的人群中穿梭而行。)
  • 11、A bird mustweave these materials into a nest.(鸟必须把这些材料织成巢。)
  • 12、Will Henry be able toweave his magic against Italy on Wednesday?(亨利星期三能施展魔力击败意大利队吗?)
  • 13、Oh what a tangled web weweave.(哦,我们编织的网络是多么混乱啊!)
  • 14、Thenweave what you learned into future projects.(然后把这些经验应用到未来的项目里去。)
  • 15、With withered leaves theyweave.(他们用凋萎的枯叶编制它们的船只。)
  • 16、He wouldweave dry grass and reeds into small nets, stuffing them with feathers and moss.(他会把干草和芦苇编织成小网,再用羽毛和苔藓把它们填满。)
  • 17、Just part your hair to the side,weave your hair into a braid and use bobby pins to create a twisted style to your liking.(把头发分到一边,编成辫子,用发夹将头发弄成你喜欢的样子。)
  • 18、A rotary engine attached to the steam engine enabled shafts to be turned and machines to be driven, resulting in mills using steam power to spin andweave cotton.(连接在蒸汽机上的旋转式发动机使轴承转动,机器得以驱动,从而使得利用蒸汽动力纺线和织布的工厂出现。)
  • 19、No matter what it is called, this place is still different. It possesses a magical ability toweave itself into the dreamland of all those close to it.(无论它叫什么名字,这里依然是个与众不同的地方。它拥有一种神奇的能力,能把自己编织进所有靠近者的梦乡。)
  • 20、Those who do read my prose appreciate the craft with its emotionalweave under a rigorous symbolic framework.(那些确实阅读过我的散文的人都很欣赏其在严格的符号框架下编织情感的巧妙方法。)
  • 21、Satan uses this secret to make a mysterious look toweave its deception.(撒旦用这个秘密装出神秘的样子来编织它的骗术。)
  • 22、Why does Xu notweave it himself?(曰:“许子奚为不自织?”)
  • 23、Based on records from ancient Athens, each year young Athenian women collaborated toweave a new woolen robe that they used to dress a statue of the goddess Athena.(根据古代雅典的记载,每年雅典的年轻妇女都要合作织成一件新的羊毛长袍,用来装饰雅典娜女神的雕像。)
  • 24、They would spin andweave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life.(他们纺纱、织布、做饭,还料理家务。)
  • 25、The bigweave on the social Web is getting richer.(社交网络的编织正变得更加丰富。) 【好工具】
  • 26、Some species of the spiderweave designs into their webs, creating zigzag patterns that can either attract prey, like bees, in bright sunlight.(一些种类的蜘蛛能设计织网,设计出可以在明媚的阳光下吸引像蜜蜂等猎物。)
  • 27、Dependency injection lets youweave together the main layers of your application, thereby lets you produce a loosely coupled application.(依赖注入让您将应用程序的主要层次编织到一起,从而使您产生一个松散耦合应用程序。)
  • 28、The key is toweave relevant personal anecdotes into your writing.(关键是要编织有关的个人轶事到你的写作中。)
  • 29、Most spidersweave webs that are almost invisible.(大多数蜘蛛可结成几乎看不见的网。)


英 [wi:v] 美 [wiv] 

过去式: wove 过去分词: woven 现在分词: weaving 第三人称单数: weaves


