- 1、Hecertainly liked spangly jackets.(他很喜爱缀满小亮片的夹克。)
- 2、Shecertainly knows what's what.(她当然知道轻重缓急。)
- 3、"In any case you remained friends."—"certainly."(“不管怎样,你们还是朋友。”—“那当然。”)
- 4、Icertainly don't begrudge him the Nobel Prize.(我肯定不会妒忌他得了获诺贝尔奖。)
- 5、The story is almostcertainly false.(这个故事几乎肯定是虚构的。)
- 6、The museum iscertainly worth a visit.(这家博物馆的确值得参观。)
- 7、'I'mcertainly not asking him!' she retorted indignantly.(“我当然不是在问他!”她愤然反驳说。)
- 8、News of the scandalcertainly hastened his departure from office.(这一丑闻肯定加速了他的离任。)
- 9、Youcertainly were unlucky to get that horrible illness.(你得了那种可怕的病当然是很不幸。)
- 10、The tax increases willcertainly hit the poor.(增税肯定会加重穷人的负担。)
- 11、The factscertainly fit your theory.(这些事实和你的说法丝毫不差。)
- 12、I'mcertainly not scared of him.(我当然不怕他。)
- 13、Macmillan wrote back saying that he couldcertainly help.(麦克米伦回信说他肯定能帮忙。)
- 14、Youcertainly seem to be in deep water.(你的确看起来像是陷入了困境中。)
- 15、'certainly not,' he replied emphatically.(“当然不。”他断然回答道。)
- 16、The matter hascertainly been handled expeditiously by the authorities.(该问题肯定已被当局迅速而有效率地处理了。)
- 17、Icertainly don't deal drugs.(我当然不做毒品生意。)
- 18、She wascertainly no paragon of virtue !(她决不是道德高尚的典范!)
- 19、Itcertainly doesn't rank as his greatest win.(这肯定算不上他最大的胜利。)
- 20、Mobycertainly has a fine ear for a tune.(莫比对音调的分辨能力一定很强。)
- 21、They willcertainly need to take in plenty of liquid.(他们会肯定需要吸收大量液体。)
- 22、I shallcertainly keep a beady eye on his behaviour.(我一定会时刻睁大眼睛提防他的行为。)
- 23、She'scertainly brimful of energy.(她的确精力充沛。)
- 24、I'llcertainly remember this trip!(我绝不会忘记这次旅行!) [hao86.com好工具]
- 25、Hecertainly was not unintelligent.(他绝对不傻。)
- 26、I'mcertainly never going there again.(我肯定不会再去那里了。)
- 27、The students werecertainly not wanting in enthusiasm.(学生们当然不乏热情。)
- 28、Your remarks werecertainly well timed.(你的话说得确实正是时候。)
- 29、The deal willcertainly raise the company's international profile.(这宗交易肯定会提高这家公司的国际形象。)