- 1、His eyes were red andwatery.(他两眼发红,泪水汪汪。)
- 2、They were stories of a god who violently slays the forces of chaos, represented aswatery dragons, as a prelude to creation.(这些故事讲述的是一个神以水龙的形象出现并用暴力杀死混沌的力量,这是创世的序幕。)
- 3、The light, as always, was beyond compare and there was awatery chill in the air.(光线一如既往地无与伦比,空气里还有潮湿的寒意。)
- 4、They develop a fever and awatery discharge from their eyes.(他们开始发烧,且有一种水状分泌物从他们的眼睛里流出。)
- 5、Blue bath rooms are appropriatelywatery.(蓝色的卫生间与水相衬恰如其分。)
- 6、You will probably experience the symptoms of sneezing, itchy andwatery eyes, stuffy or runny noses and scratchy throats.(你很可能会经历像打喷嚏、眼睛瘙痒和流泪、鼻塞或流鼻涕以及喉咙刺痛等症状。)
- 7、When they talked about thewatery place, I thought they meant Venice!(他们说水乡的时候,我还以为他们指的是威尼斯呢!)
- 8、"Cells are justwatery sacs," says Niklason.(细胞就是个水囊。)
- 9、His eyes were awatery blue.(他的眼睛是淡蓝色的。)
- 10、Tired, itchy, dry orwatery eyes.(疲惫、发痒、干涩或流眼泪。)
- 11、The man from the saucer said, "Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from thewatery place your people call Venus."(来自茶碟的人说:“外国人?我们的确是。我们来自你们称之为金星的有水的地方。”)
- 12、There was awatery discharge from her ear.(她的耳朵里有水状物流出。)
- 13、A fragrant,watery soup, wonton is filled with bite-sized boiled dumplings and dozens of the tiniest shrimps you can imagine.(一碗芳香四溢,水汪汪的馄饨,你可以想象用一口就能吞下的皮包裹着好多小虾米的肉馅。)
- 14、About 160 million years ago, a female pterosaur with an injured wing dropped from the sky into awatery grave.(约一亿六千万年前,一只雌性翼龙隐翅膀受伤而坠落,葬身水底。)
- 15、watery Asteroids Also a Source?(小行星上的水也是来源之一?)
- 16、Awatery light began to show through the branches.(一缕微弱的光线从树枝间透射过来。)
- 17、Marduk defeats Tiamat, thewatery ferocious deep monster.(年轻的暴风之神Marduk打败了在深水凶猛的怪物Tiamat。)
- 18、Vernix caseosa has formed over the baby’s skin to protect it from itswatery environment.(胎儿皮脂在婴儿的皮肤上形成,以保护其免受水环境的伤害。)
- 19、After a moment he looked up withwatery eyes.(过了一会,他抬起水汪汪的眼睛,看着大家。)
- 20、They called it thewatery place or something.(他们把它叫做水乡什么的。) haO86.com
- 21、Pisces is awatery sign.(双鱼座是水相星座。)
- 22、The appearance of sputum also showed the process fromwatery frothy sputum to mucus sputum to mucopuraleat sputum.(痰液的出现也显示了从含水泡沫状痰液到粘液痰液到粘膜粘液痰液的过程。)
- 23、Once when having supper, I found that the soup tastedwatery.(曾经有一次吃晚饭时,我觉得汤淡得没味。)
- 24、Now round us spreads thewatery plain -.(如今我们的周围水原四布。)
- 25、Scorpio is awatery sign.(天蝎座是水相星座。)
- 26、I havewatery eyes and a running nose.(我的眼睛流泪,鼻子流鼻涕。)