- 1、The skin on her cheeks and around her eyes was beginning towrinkle.(她脸颊上和眼睛周围的皮肤开始起皱纹了。)
- 2、For the most part,wrinkle lines are due to sun exposure and age.(在大多数情况下,皱纹是由于日晒和年龄造成的。)
- 3、There is, however, awrinkle.(但是,有一条瑕疵。)
- 4、Ava had awrinkle formed on her nose.(艾娃的鼻子上长了一条皱纹。)
- 5、From where we are in the orchestra, you can see everywrinkle on her face.(从我们所在的剧院位置,你可以看到她脸上的每一条皱纹。)
- 6、Get enough sun exposure, he says, and skin willwrinkle long before its time.(在阳光下暴露足够久,皮肤的皱纹就会出现得早得多。)
- 7、Los Angeles, where I live, is a great city forwrinkle watching.(我所在的城市,洛杉机,是皱纹的大观园。)
- 8、She wore a brown shirt pressed without awrinkle.(她穿了一件熨得没有一丝皱褶的棕色衬衫。)
- 9、Imagine a tub of frozen yogurt without a singlewrinkle.(想象一盒没有一丝褶皱的冻酸奶。)
- 10、Invest in a goodwrinkle spray.(买个好的皱褶喷雾。)
- 11、But for the most part,wrinkle lines are due to sun exposure and age.(但皱眉产生的主要原因还是因为在阳光下的暴露和年龄。)
- 12、Buy clothing that is made out ofwrinkle-free fabric.(买那些用不起皱布料做的衣服。) Hao86.com
- 13、There is awrinkle here.(这里有一个小问题。)
- 14、"The point is to look good, not to bewrinkle-free," said Dr. Alexiades-Armenakas.(亚历克·达斯-阿莫纳克博士说,“关键是要看着舒服,而不是毫无褶皱。”)
- 15、Ben brushed smooth awrinkle in his trousers.(本把他裤子上的一个皱褶刷平了。)
- 16、If you take note, overweight women often have full faces without a singlewrinkle.(如果你留心的话,超重的女人们通常都有饱满无纹的面颊。)
- 17、Years maywrinkle the skin, but it is to give up enthusiasm thatwrinkles the soul.(岁月只会让皮肤出现皱纹;激情不再才真正使心灵枯萎。)
- 18、But there is awrinkle here.(但是这里有一个小问题。)
- 19、Choosewrinkle-free clothes.(选择那些不起皱褶的衣物。)
- 20、Years maywrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasmwrinkles the soul.(岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。)
- 21、Most beans contain a combination ofwrinkle-reducing isoflavones.(大多数大豆含有消除皱纹的异黄酮化合物。)
- 22、Imagine a tub of frozen yoghurt, not a single line orwrinkle.(想象一下一桶没有一条线或皱纹的冻酸奶吧。)
- 23、Now, research from York University in Toronto has added awrinkle to the existing wisdom.(现在,多伦多的约克大学的研究对于已经存在的年老智慧又加了一条皱纹。)
- 24、Why can't our clothes just magically remainwrinkle free?(为什么我们的衣服不能魔法般地保持不起皱呢?)
- 25、His brow has acquired its firstwrinkle.(他的额头已出现第一条皱纹。)
- 26、Synthetic fabrics usually don'twrinkle as easily as cotton.(人造纤维织物一般没有棉织物那么容易起皱。)
- 27、A lot of cottons and silks are cool but theywrinkle easily.(很多纯棉和丝绸都很凉快,就是很容易起皱。)
- 28、This is probably not the only or most importantwrinkle in the story.(也许这并非这篇文章所产生的唯一或者最重要的引人关注之处。)
- 29、And this strange cat-and-mouse story has yet anotherwrinkle.(这则离奇的猫鼠故事还有下文。)
- 30、At 91, he is impeccably dressed, with a face aswrinkle-free as his well-ironed shirt.(虽然已是91岁高龄,但他的衣着无可挑剔,脸上就像他精心熨烫的衬衣一样,看不到一丝皱纹。)