- 1、hook was not his true name.(胡克不是他的真名。) hao86.com
- 2、A lefthook sent him reeling.(一记左钩拳打得他踉踉跄跄。)
- 3、"Myhook thinks you did," saidhook, crossing to him.(“我的钩子认为是你干的。”胡克说,转向他。)
- 4、Thehook in the ceiling had given way and the lamp had fallen blazing on to the table.(天花板上的钩子脱落,结果挂灯大亮着掉到了桌子上。)
- 5、They snarled, "a man wi' ahook."(他们咆哮着:“一个有铁钩的人。”)
- 6、He left the phone off thehook as he didn't want to be disturbed.(他不想被电话打扰,就把电话听筒摘下来了。)
- 7、He baited hishook with pie.(他把馅饼放在钓钩上作饵。)
- 8、There is a fish on thehook.(有鱼上钩了。)
- 9、Since war broke out, the phones at donation centres have been ringing off thehook.(自从战争爆发以来,捐款中心的电话一直响个不停。)
- 10、I could be about tohook up with this incredibly intelligent, beautiful girl.(我可能就要与那个聪明绝顶的美女相恋。)
- 11、"Now we have him,"hook shouted.(“现在我们抓到他了。”胡克喊道。)
- 12、"Not now, Smee,"hook said darkly.(“现在不行,斯迈。”胡克阴郁地说。)
- 13、He disconnected the IV bottle from the overheadhook and carried it beside the moving cart.(他从头顶的钩子上取下输液瓶,并在移动的手推车旁提着它。)
- 14、It fastens with ahook and eye.(它是用风纪扣扣上的。)
- 15、Defencelesshook found him.(毫无防备的胡克找到了他。)
- 16、Water and electrichook-ups are available and facilities are good.(水和电都可以接通,设施也很不错。)
- 17、Thehook reached the water, and the man tried to pull up thehook .(吊钩到了水里,那人就试着去把它拉上来。)
- 18、Had he ahook, captain?(船长,他有钩子吗?)
- 19、hook trod the deck in thought.(胡克在沉思中沿着甲板走。)
- 20、It was then thathook bit him.(就在那时,胡克咬了他。)
- 21、I'd taken my phone off thehook in order to get some sleep.(我把电话听筒拿了下来,以便可以睡会儿觉。)
- 22、She had managed tohook a wealthy husband.(她成功地钓到了一位有钱的丈夫。)
- 23、They gave him ahook.(他们送他一个钩子。)
- 24、He brandished thehook threateningly.(他威胁地挥舞着钩子。)
- 25、Officials accused of bribery and corruption get off thehook with monotonous regularity.(被指控受贿和贪污的官员无一例外总能脱身。)
- 26、Youhook a fish right?(你会钩鱼对吧?)
- 27、The phone has been ringing off thehook with offers of help.(表示愿意提供援助的电话接连不断。)
- 28、One of his jackets hung from ahook.(他的一件夹克衫挂在挂钩上。)
- 29、We fell for ithook, line, and sinker.(我们对它完全是一见倾心。)