


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:18:40

  • 1、I sure do have acrush on her.(我确定我是是迷上她了。)
  • 2、I have acrush on her.(我看上她了。)
  • 3、I developed acrush on Prince Myshkin.(我迷恋上了梅什金公爵。)
  • 4、Ensure that they are clean and place into a fermentation bin.crush with your clean hands or a sterilized stainless steel/plastic potato masher.(确保它们干净,将它们放进发酵箱里。用你干净的双手或是不锈钢/塑料的捣土豆器弄碎它们。)
  • 5、I remember thecrush I had on their bus driver.(我还记得我对他们巴士司机的迷恋。)
  • 6、If they're being exploited, they've got big armies that cancrush them likes grapes if they get in the way.(如果他们正在被剥削,他们有强大的军队,如果他们碍事的话,可以像压葡萄一样压碎他们。)
  • 7、I stand on a platform overlooking thecrush, next to the slaughterman.(我站在一个平台上俯瞰拥挤的人群,旁边是屠夫。)
  • 8、The process of making wine is tocrush the root of the tree, soak it in water, and use a cloth to twist the juice.(制作酒的程序是把这个树根碾碎,泡在水里,用布来拧出汁液。)
  • 9、She had acrush on you, you know.(你知道吧,她曾暗恋过你。)
  • 10、Theycrush the olives with a heavy wooden press.(他们用沉重的木制压榨机把橄榄压碎。)
  • 11、The most likely scenario, frankly, is that your friend can read you like a book but prefers to ignore yourcrush.(坦率地说,最可能的情况是,你的朋友读你就像读一本书,但却不愿理会你的爱慕。)
  • 12、I had a hugecrush on her.(我对她爱慕至极。)
  • 13、Don't chew, break, orcrush the tablet.(不要咀嚼、咬破或压碎药片。)
  • 14、This heavy load willcrush you soon.(这沉重负担不久会使你困苦。)
  • 15、Three people were asphyxiated in thecrush for last week's train.(三个人为了赶上周的火车窒息在人群中。)
  • 16、crush cold cereal in a bag, add a peeled banana, and coat with the cereal.(用一个袋子把冷麦片碾碎,加入一个剥了皮的香蕉,再裹上这些麦片。)
  • 17、The army was sent in tocrush the rebellion.(军队被派去平息叛乱。)
  • 18、Put both vegetables into a bowl andcrush with a potato masher.(把这两样蔬菜都放进一个碗里,然后用捣土豆器把它们捣碎。)
  • 19、In their confusion, they feared that a real train was about tocrush them.(在一片混乱中,他们担心一列真正的火车会碾压他们。)
  • 20、crush the crystals into small pieces.(把透明状的东西碎成小块。)
  • 21、Ted: Who has acrush?!(特德:谁爱上她了?!)
  • 22、How many tons of ore can this machinecrush in an hour?(这机器每小时可以破碎多少吨矿石?)
  • 23、If you want to get oil,crush the oil from the olives that come down from the trees, that's a nasty smell that it has.(如果你想要得到油,把从树上掉下来的橄榄榨油,那是一种难闻的气味。)
  • 24、You have acrush on Tina, right?(你迷上蒂娜了,对吗?)
  • 25、Freedom was threatened in early modern times by the emergence of monarchies that might have been able tocrush it.(在近代早期,君主制度的出现威胁自由,并有可能摧毁它。)
  • 26、His thirteen-year-old son somehow got separated in thecrush.(他13岁的儿子不知怎么在拥挤的人群里走散了。)
  • 27、crush Wine is made bycrushing grapes.(酒是将葡萄压碎而制成。)
  • 28、He was my firstcrush.(他是我第一个喜欢的人。)
  • 29、I couldn't find a way through thecrush.(人太挤,我挤不过去。)


英 [krʌʃ] 美 [krʌʃ] 

形容词: crushable 名词: crusher 过去式: crushed 过去分词: crushed 现在分词: crushing 第三人称单数: crushes


