


更新时间:2024-06-24 01:18:39

  • 1、The homing pigeon is very intelligent and willpersevere to the point of stubbornness.(信鸽非常聪明,会坚持到固执的地步。)
  • 2、I first began to investigate the basis of human motivation—and how peoplepersevere after setbacks—as a psychology graduate student at Yale University in the 1960s.(二十世纪60年代,当我还是耶鲁大学心理学系的一名研究生时,我第一次开始研究人类动机的基础——以及人们在遭遇挫折后如何坚持下去。)
  • 3、persevere does lazy loading so that only the necessary data is downloaded.(persevere会执行延迟加载以便只有需要的数据才会被下载。)
  • 4、Fortunately, theypersevere and succeed!(幸运的是他们坚持下来并且成功走路了。)
  • 5、But only with healthy habitat across their range can the wild flockpersevere.(但这仅对那些有安全栖息地的范围内的美洲鹤而言的。可是那些野生的美洲鹤怎样才能坚持下去吗?)
  • 6、persevere implicitly groups modifications into transactions.(persevere隐式地将修改组合到事务中。)
  • 7、"You have topersevere," he says.(“你不得不坚持,”他说。)
  • 8、You have topersevere with difficult students.(对难教的学生你必须坚持诲人不倦的精神。)
  • 9、It bestows the inner strength to focus all your energy on your goal, andpersevere until it is accomplished.(它赐予你把你全部精力集中于你的目标的力量,并且坚持下去直到成功。)
  • 10、persevere includes support for defining JSON Schemas.(persevere包括对定义JSON模式的支持。)
  • 11、Yes, you canpersevere. Yes, you can make of your lives what you will.(是的,你可以跨越任何困难;是的,你可以坚持不懈;是的,你可以朝你梦想的路奋斗。)
  • 12、persevere automates the necessary serialization, Ajax calls, and deserialization.(persevere会对必要的序列化、Ajax调用和去序列化进行自动化处理。)
  • 13、He is under no illusion about the size of the challenge, or how long he may have topersevere.(弗朗切斯奇尼先生没有想过他面临的挑战有多大,或是他能坚持多久。)
  • 14、To create your blog, you use thepersevere client framework in combination with thepersevere server.(要创建blog,需要联合使用persevere客户机框架和persevere服务器。)
  • 15、The real winners in sport are those who know how topersevere and to behave with dignity-whether they win or lose a game.(在体育运动中,真正的赢家是那些知道如何坚持和表现得有尊严的人——无论他们在比赛中是赢还是输。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 16、persevere and you'll succeed.(只要你坚持不懈,你自会成功。)
  • 17、It depends on our ability to dream, to take action andpersevere even when we fail.(它依赖于我们梦的能力,行动的能力已经即使失败仍然坚持的能力。)
  • 18、If youpersevere, you will advance slowly, but surely!(如果你持之以恒,你可能会进展缓慢,但进步确定无疑。)
  • 19、Download thepersevere client and server. You can download it bundled with Tomcat.(下载persevere客户机和服务器可以与Tomcat捆绑下载。)
  • 20、This ability topersevere despite obstacles and setbacks is the quality people most admire in others.(这种不管障碍和挫折的锲而不舍的能力是人们最为钦佩的品质。)
  • 21、They regard it as a good way to supervise and encourage each other topersevere in body-sculpting.(他们认为这是监督和鼓励彼此坚持塑身的好方法。)
  • 22、Thepersevere server has built-in, data-centric security capabilities that are enforced on the server.(persevere服务器具有内置的、以数据为中心的安全性,这类安全性在服务器上实施。)
  • 23、This implies to give yourself a vision, to strive, to ask questions to improve and topersevere.(这意味着,你要有一个梦想,为之奋斗,提出问题来完善自我,并且坚持不懈。)
  • 24、Learn from mistakes andpersevere.(从错误中学习并且持之以恒。)
  • 25、Even so, Coffey says that there are seven reasons you shouldpersevere.(即使如此,科菲认为求职者仍需锲而不舍地坚持下去,原因如下。)
  • 26、You can change your ways to do this because as long as youpersevere, you keep moving towards success.(可以改变实现目标的方式,因为只要你坚持,你就在不断向成功靠近。)
  • 27、Acceptdisa ppointment and learn topersevere, to pursue your dreamsdesp ite pitfalls.(接受挫败并学会坚持,不畏风险地追求你的梦想。)
  • 28、To begin, download and set uppersevere (see Resources for links to the files).(首先,下载和设置persevere(要获得这些文件的链接,请参见参考资料)。)


英 [ˌpɜ:sɪˈvɪə(r)] 美 [ˌpɜ:rsəˈvɪr] 

副词: perseveringly 过去式: persevered 过去分词: persevered 现在分词: persevering 第三人称单数: perseveres

