- 1、He had sought toobtain payment of a sum which he had claimed was owed to him.(他曾试图获得一笔他声称是欠他的钱。)
- 2、It is difficult toobtain reliable evidence.(很难获得可靠的证据。)
- 3、Financial success is usually predicated on having money or being able toobtain it.(通常,先要有钱或能弄到钱才会获得财务上的成功。)
- 4、They indulged in some highly dubious business practices toobtain their current position in the market.(他们采取了一些极为可疑的商业手段以取得目前在市场上的地位。)
- 5、Underage youths canobtain alcohol from their older friends.(未到法定年龄的孩子可以从他们年长的朋友那里得到酒。)
- 6、Individual entrepreneurs do not necessarily rely on their kin because they cannotobtain financial backing from commercial resources.(个体企业家并不一定要依靠他们的亲属,因为他们不能从商业资源获得资金支持。)
- 7、If you want toobtain an ideal job, you need to continuously upgrade yourself.(如果你想获得理想的工作,你需要不断提升自己。)
- 8、With the help of the Internet, we can onlyobtain many learning materials with ease.(在互联网的帮助之下,我们现在可以轻松地获得许多学习资料。)
- 9、To feed the larger population, humans need toobtain arable lands, so there is a massive clearing of trees.(为了养活更多的人口,人类需要获得可耕地,因此大量的树木被砍伐。)
- 10、To feed the larger population, humans need toobtain arable land, so there is a massive clearing of trees.(人类为了养活比以前更多的人口,需要获得可耕地,因此大量砍伐树木。)
- 11、Abbr. t means the weight of a container or wrapper that is deducted from the gross weight toobtain net weight.(缩写t是指容器或包装器的重量,它是从毛重中扣除以获得净重的。)
- 12、In many cases, it would not be overly burdensome for authorities toobtain a warrant to search through phone contents.(在许多情况下,当局获得搜查电话内容的授权令并不太麻烦。)
- 13、Some of these, such as the glandular mucus of snails, were difficult toobtain and outrageously expensive.(其中的一些,如蜗牛的腺粘液,很难获得,而且极其昂贵。)
- 14、Offshoring provides an opportunity toobtain I.T. services at low cost.(离岸外包为低价获得信息技术服务提供了一个机会。)
- 15、Unless you were prepared to pay, they were increasingly difficult toobtain for any but the most severely disabled.(除非你愿意付钱,否则除严重残疾人外,其他人都很难获得这些钱。)
- 16、This time, the winner couldobtain triple tributes.(这一次,胜利者可以获得三倍的礼物。)
- 17、I couldobtain with the snap of my fingers anything I chose.(只要打一下响指,我就可以得到我选中的任何东西。)
- 18、A score of countries may be either producing or planning toobtain chemical weapons.(约有二十个国家可能在生产或计划获取化学武器。)
- 19、He admitted conspiring toobtain property by deception.(他承认曾密谋通过欺骗获取财产。)
- 20、Evans was trying toobtain a false passport and other documents.(埃文斯当时正试图获取假护照和其他文件。)
- 21、Researchers mustobtain approval only from their hospitals or clinic's ethics board.(研究人员必须获得医院或诊所伦理委员会的批准。)
- 22、You canobtain safe water by melting ice cubes.(你可以通过融化冰块来获得安全的水。) Hao86.com
- 23、Can plantsobtain adequate nourishment from such poor soil?(土壤这样贫瘠,植物能获得足够的养分吗?)
- 24、They are breaking the law in order toobtain an advantage over their competitors.(他们为了获得超越其竞争对手的有力条件在违犯法律。)
- 25、He lowballed the cost of the project in order toobtain federal funding.(他为了得到联邦资助而故意压低项目的成本价格。)
- 26、At every stage in the production there will be paperwork—forms to fill in, permissions toobtain, letters to write.(在生产的每一阶段都将有文书工作—要填的表格,要获得的许可,要写的信。)
- 27、You canobtain knowledge through practice.(你可以从实践经验中获得知识。)
- 28、Could you tell me what I have to do toobtain a student visa and how long the process will take?(你能告诉我获得学生签证需要做些什么,需要多长时间吗?)
- 29、Some countriesobtain large sums of foreign exchange from tourism.(有些国家从旅游业得到大量外汇。)
- 30、Weobtain some satisfaction in listening to music.(我们在听音乐中获得一些满足。)