- 1、Is this approximation here, t hisapproximate van 't Hoff equation.(这个近似近似的,范特霍夫方程。)
- 2、You have to know the names of participants and their feet size andapproximate height.(你必须知道参与者的名字,他们的脚的大小和大概身高。)
- 3、The cost given is onlyapproximate.(所列成本仅系约计。)
- 4、Knowing the salinity of ocean water and theapproximate volume of water, he calculated the amount of salt already held in solution in the oceans.(知道海水的盐度和大致的水量之后,他计算出了海水中已经存在的盐的量。)
- 5、This figure is at most anapproximate average value.(这数字最多是个近似平均值。)
- 6、You might ask, well is this anapproximate formula?(你们可能会问,这是一个约等式吗。)
- 7、The mixture described below willapproximate it, but is not exactly the same.(下面所描述的混合物会与之近似,但不完全一样。)
- 8、They did not have even anapproximate idea what the Germans really wanted.(他们对于德国人真正想要什么甚至没有一个大致概念。)
- 9、Notice how exact matches are significantly more valuable thanapproximate matches.(请注意,精确匹配如何比近似匹配明显更有价值。)
- 10、This configuration used the following mail templates (all Numbersapproximate).(本配置使用了下列邮件模板(所有的数目都为近似值)。)
- 11、The more we learn, the more weapproximate to truth.(我们学习得越多,我们就越接近真理。)
- 12、approximate timing for various operations on a typical PC.(各种操作的时间,以2001年夏季,典型配置的1ghz个人计算机为标准。)
- 13、approximate and true golden spirals.(近似的和真实的的黄金螺旋线。)
- 14、Currently, these foresee anapproximate eightfold expansion within just nine years.(计划的核电项目在九年内会比目前的数量翻八倍之多。)
- 15、And that gives you theapproximate van 't Hoff equation.(这是近似的,范特霍夫公式。)
- 16、We are all striving toapproximate what can work.(我们能做的就是竭尽全力去做我们能够去做的事情。)
- 17、Give anapproximate time frame for the project in the timing section.(在时机部分为项目设定一个大致时间。)
- 18、The fishermen know theapproximate time of year when they will be allowed to fish, but on any given day, one or more field biologists in a particular area can put a halt to fishing.(渔民们知道一年中允许捕捞的大概时间段,但是在某些日子,一个地区可能有一个或多个实地生物学家中止捕鱼活动。)
- 19、France and Belgiumapproximate that.(法国和比利时正在接近。)
- 20、Theirapproximate Numbers dropped from 6,000 in 1858 to 600 in 1900.(他们的数量从1858年的6000人剧减到1900年的600人。)
- 21、He spentapproximate two hours searching the photo.(他用了大约两小时来寻找这张照片。)
- 22、Had theapproximate date and went to the Registry of Births to look it up.(他说,“在预产期快到时,我到出生登记处查过了。”)
- 23、Height-weight tables give anapproximate guideline as to whether one is simply overweight or has passed into the obese stage.(身高-体重表给出了一个大致的指南,来判断一个人是单纯超重还是已经进入肥胖阶段。)
- 24、It was simple enough, in those old days, to define withapproximate accuracy when a given statement ceased to be the truth and became a lie.(在过去的那些日子里,要近似准确地界定一个特定的声明何时不再是真理而成为谎言,是很简单的。)
- 25、Theapproximate cost varies from around $150 to $250.(大致的费用在$150至$250之间不等。)
- 26、As geologists, we examine layers of sediment on the Earth' s surface toapproximate the dates of past geologic time periods.(作为地质学家,我们研究地球表面的沉积层以估算过去地质时期的年代。) hao86.com
- 27、Below is a summary of theapproximate mail transactions for each "user."(下面针对每位“用户”归纳了大致的邮件事务。)
- 28、A frequent example of redundancy occurs when usersapproximate iterative behavior.(一个常见的有关冗余性的示例出现在用户分析迭代行为的时候。)
- 29、NUMROWS: theapproximate number of rows that the external table can possibly have.(NUMROWS:外部表可能拥有的大致行数。)