- 1、Precisely because of this masculine orientation, revising thefrontier thesis by focusing on women's experience introduces new themes into women's history.(正是由于这种男性化的取向,通过关注女性的经历来修正前沿命题,为女性的历史引入了新的主题。)
- 2、In Turnerian terminology, thefrontier had furnished "a gate of escape from the bondage of the past."(用Turnerian的话来说,边境提供了“逃离过去束缚的大门”。)
- 3、"We are fighting now to prevent them sending reinforcements to thefrontier areas for military operations, "said La Nan, speaking to The Irrawaddy on Monday.(“我们现在的战斗是为了阻止他们将增援部队派到前线地区参加军事行动。”LaNan周一告诉《伊洛瓦底》说。)
- 4、The rebels control thefrontier and the surrounding area.(叛乱分子控制了边疆地区。)
- 5、The war was over before he was sent to thefrontier.(战争在他被派往边境之前就结束了。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 6、"A comparison point is in the 1990s battles over encryption," said Kurt Opsahl, general counsel of the Electronicfrontier Foundation, a privacy watchdog group.(“一个比较点是上世纪90年代的加密之战。”隐私监管机构电子前线基金会总法律顾问库尔特·奥普萨尔表示。)
- 7、He argued for thefrontier as an agent of social change.(他主张将边界作为社会变革的推动者。)
- 8、Famous explorers of the north Americanfrontier, Lewis and Clark arrived at the mouth of the Columbia River on November 14, 1805, in nearly starved circumstances.(著名的北美探险先驱路易斯和克拉克于1805年11月14日在饥饿的情况下到达了哥伦比亚河的河口。)
- 9、Facilitate interactions with policy-makers on latest national and regional initiatives andfrontier issues.(促进与决策者就最新的国家和区域倡议以及边界问题进行交流。)
- 10、It wasn't difficult then to cross thefrontier.(那时候穿越国界并不难。)
- 11、The circumstances that had allowed natives to become Romanized also led the self-sustaining military community of thefrontier area to become effectively British.(使原住民成为罗马人的情况也导致边境地区自给自足的军事团体有效地成为了英国人。)
- 12、In their works these authors tended to glorify women's contributions tofrontier life.(在他们的作品中,这些作者倾向于赞颂妇女对边疆生活的贡献。)
- 13、Irving Fisher also drew on the curve, a production possibilityfrontier for society, which he made downward-curved.(欧文·费雪还画了一条曲线,一条社会的生产可能性边界,他让它向下弯曲。)
- 14、Later, Reactionist writers took the view thatfrontier women were lonely, displaced persons in a hostile milieu that intensified the worst aspects of gender relations.(后来,反动派作家认为,在敌对的环境中,边境妇女是孤独的、流离失所的人,这加剧了两性关系中最恶劣的方面。)
- 15、Warehouses at thefrontier between the two countries fill up with sacks of rice and flour.(两国交界处的仓库里装满了一袋袋大米和面粉。)
- 16、They are planning to build a faithful recreation of the originalfrontier town.(他们正计划建造一座和原来边境城镇一模一样的复制品。)
- 17、The southernfrontier of the desert was far to the north of where it is now, while semiarid grassland and shallow freshwater lakes covered much of what are now arid plains.(过往沙漠的南部边界比现在的边界更靠北,而半干旱的草原和较浅的淡水湖泊覆盖了现在干旱平原的大部分地区。)
- 18、By the middle of the twentieth century, thefrontier Thesis fell into disfavor among historians.(到了20世纪中叶,“边疆假设”在历史学家中渐渐失宠。)
- 19、The West was then exposed to the more volatile tribal Germanic peoples on afrontier that stretched along the Rhine and Danube rivers for 1,000 miles.(当时,德国西部的边境沿着莱茵河和多瑙河延伸了1000英里,暴露在边境处变得更加动荡不安的日耳曼部落之下。)
- 20、The river formed thefrontier between the land of the Saxons and that of the Danes.(这条河曾是撒克逊人与古斯堪的纳维亚人土地的分界线。)
- 21、A steady flow of the coveted weapons spread its genial influence throughout thefrontier, and the respect which the Pathan tribesmen entertained for Christian civilization was vastly enhanced.(这些令人垂涎的武器源源不断地流入边境,使其友好的影响遍及整个边境,而帕桑部落对基督教文明的尊敬也大大增强了。)
- 22、His maternal grandfather had been that Francisco Flores, of the Second Line-Infantry Division, who had died on thefrontier of Buenos Aires.(他的外祖父是第二步兵师的弗朗西斯科·弗洛雷斯,死在布宜诺斯艾利斯的边境上。)
- 23、The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region which is famous for its beautiful natural scenery is near thefrontier between China and Vietnam.(以其美丽的自然风光而闻名的广西壮族自治区位于中越边境附近。)
- 24、There's a newfrontier in 3D printing that's beginning to come into focus: food.(3D打印有一个新的前沿领域开始受到关注:食物。)
- 25、The West then was exposed to the more volatile tribal Germanic peoples on afrontier that stretched along the Rhine and Danube rivers for 1,000 miles.(当时,德国西部的边境沿着莱茵河和多瑙河延伸了1000英里,那里的日耳曼部落更加动荡不安。)
- 26、Cross afrontier without adjusting and you can be in deep trouble.(不进行调整就跨越边界,你可能会遇到大麻烦。)
- 27、The harsh realities of thefrontier also shaped this tradition of hospitality.(边境的严酷现实也使得人们有了好客的传统。)