


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:24:38

  • 1、My idol is Jack Ma because he establishes Alibaba, one of the most famous IT companies in China fromscratch.(我的偶像是马云,因为他白手起家,创办了中国最出名的一家网络科技公司——阿里巴巴。)
  • 2、There's ascratch on the side of my car.(我的汽车侧面有一道划痕。)
  • 3、scratch my back – I've got an itch.(给我挠挠背–我痒痒。)
  • 4、When you created a variable inscratch, you could either make it for this sprite only or for all sprites.(当你在scratch中创建一个变量,你可以仅针对该精灵或针对所有精灵进行创建。)
  • 5、Songdo, a city built fromscratch in South Korea, is one of Kasarda's prime examples.(韩国的松岛是一座白手起家的城市,是卡萨达最典型的例子之一。)
  • 6、His work simply isn't up toscratch.(他的工作根本达不到要求。)
  • 7、Never once did he try to bite orscratch me.(他从来没有想过要咬我或抓我。)
  • 8、He was not the type of person offering to pay for refinishing my car, which had by now manyscratch marks.(他不是那种愿意为我的汽车补漆付钱的人,我的汽车现在已经有很多刮痕了。)
  • 9、First of all, there's this largescratch across the front of it.(首先,它前面有个很大的划痕。)
  • 10、They decided to dismantle the machine and start again fromscratch.(他们决定拆掉机器,从头再来。)
  • 11、The horses like this grooming, and I think, if they could talk, they would tell you where toscratch or comb.(马很喜欢这种梳理,我想,如果它们能够说话的话,它们一定会告诉你哪儿需要抓一下或梳一下。)
  • 12、Either so that they wouldn't have to carry everything with them or so they could save time once they arrived at a site by not having to make stuff fromscratch.(这样他们要么就不用把所有东西都带在身边了,要么他们到了一个地方的时候不用从头开始做东西,可以节省时间。)
  • 13、How did you come by thatscratch on your cheek?(你脸颊上的抓伤是怎么来的?)
  • 14、We don't have time to start fromscratch.(我们没有时间从草稿开始。)
  • 15、The old man lifted his cardigan toscratch his side.(那位老人撩起他的开襟毛衣挠了挠身子侧面。)
  • 16、It introducesscratch, the programming language in an environment we looked at, but also some of the fundamentals that we'll lace throughout the course.(它介绍了scratch,这种在我们学习过的环境中使用的编程语言,同时也是一些我们将贯穿整个课程的基础知识。)
  • 17、How are we to know that it wasn't you who made thescratch?(我们怎么知道抓痕不是由你造成的?)
  • 18、Don't worry, it's only ascratch—you'll survive.(别担心,只不过是划伤,你没事的。)
  • 19、We had to start fromscratch together. We did all of our research in the library together.(我们必须从零开始。我们一起在图书馆做了所有的研究。)
  • 20、Does the catscratch?(这只猫抓人吗?)
  • 21、Chickens and ducksscratch around the outbuildings.(鸡鸭在外屋四周挖扒。)
  • 22、It'll take months to bring the band up toscratch.(得几个月工夫才能使乐队像个样子。)
  • 23、At first the kitten mightscratch at the bars, push at the ceiling, dig at the floor, howl, etc.(起初小猫可能会抓栏杆,推顶棚,挖底板,吼叫等等。)
  • 24、You canscratch my name off the list.(你可以把我的名字从名单上勾掉。)
  • 25、They knocked off $60 because of ascratch.(因为有擦痕他们将价格降了60元。)
  • 26、scratch yourself if you itch.(如果你感到痒,就搔好了。)
  • 27、I learned German fromscratch in six months.(我从零学起,六个月学会了德语。)
  • 28、If we have to start fromscratch then all take time.(如果我们必须从头开始,那么一切都需要时间。)
  • 29、Dad saw youscratch the car—you've had it now!(爸爸看见你把车身划了—这下可有你好受的了!)


英 [skrætʃ] 美 [skrætʃ] 

名词: scratcher 过去式: scratched 过去分词: scratched 现在分词: scratching 第三人称单数: scratches



