- 1、The marks on the inside of one antelope jaw showed theprimitive people cut out the tongue.(一块羚羊颌骨内部的痕迹表明,这些原始人割了它的舌头。)
- 2、The methods of communication used during the war wereprimitive by today's standards.(按今天的标准,大战时期使用的通讯方法非常简陋。)
- 3、Social norms areprimitive and elemental.(社会规范是简单而基础的。)
- 4、Beside this, prehistoric man looks technologicallyprimitive.(除此之外,史前人类使用的技术看起来比较简陋。)
- 5、primitive man hunted wild animals with crude stone implements.(原始社会的人用粗糙的石器猎取野兽。)
- 6、They do these things better inprimitive life, for there the adolescent boy joins his father in making canoes and going out fishing or hunting.(在原始生活中,他们能够把这些事情做得更好,青春期的男孩和父亲一起做独木舟,出去钓鱼或打猎。)
- 7、This is not because God created them to poke fun at us; it is because humans and chimps are descended from the same relatively recentprimitive ape.(这并不是因为上帝创造它们来嘲笑我们;而是因为人类和黑猩猩都是同一个比较近期的原始猿人的后裔。)
- 8、Even if Earth's surface were not actually sterilized by this bombardment, it is unlikely that any but the mostprimitive life-forms could have survived.(即使地球表面并没有被这种轰炸所灭绝,但除了最原始的生命形式之外,几乎不可能有其他生命形式幸存下来。)
- 9、They made some claims about these calls qualifying as an actual language, with its ownprimitive grammar.(他们发出的呼唤宣称了这是一种运用他们自己原始语法的真实语言。)
- 10、The paradox is that the region's most dynamic economies have the mostprimitive financial systems.(矛盾的是,该地区最具活力的经济体制有着最原始的金融体系。)
- 11、The facilities on the campsite were veryprimitive.(营地的设施非常简陋。)
- 12、Around the beginning of the 20th century there were actually someprimitive solar water heaters on the consumer market.(大约20世纪初,消费市场上出现了一些原始的太阳能热水器。) 【好工具hao86.com】
- 13、So, it's aprimitive tree.(因此,它是个原始植株。)
- 14、But early whaling was restricted byprimitive tools and whaling techniques.(但早期捕鲸活动受到原始工具和捕鲸技术的限制。)
- 15、Are you saying there might beprimitive life on the moon?(你是说,月球上可能有原始生命吗?)
- 16、Fossilized remains of Acanthostega, aprimitive fish, reveal that even though the animal had rudimentary limbs, it could not walk on land.(棘螈是一种原始鱼类,它的化石遗迹显示,尽管棘螈有基本的四肢,但它却不能在陆地上行走。)
- 17、Panksepp has studied rats and found that when they play, they often chirp—aprimitive form of laughter, according to the scientist.(潘克塞普曾对老鼠进行了相关研究,他发现,当老鼠玩耍的时候,他们经常发出一种唧唧喳喳很尖的声音——根据科学家表示,这是笑的一种原始形态。)
- 18、It was in this old andprimitive way that Martin wooed Ruth.(马丁就是以这种古老而原始的方式向露丝求爱的。)
- 19、It had a brain that might have been even smaller than that of a modern lemur, a primate withprimitive traits.(它的大脑甚至可能比具有原始特征的现代狐猴还要小。)
- 20、At the time, medicine was still aprimitive quasi-science.(当时,医学仍是原始的准科学。)
- 21、A lack of detail suggests aprimitive style.(细节的缺乏则显示了风格的原始。)
- 22、There are many people whose cultures are undeveloped, but the languages they speak are by no meansprimitive.(有许多人他们的文化不发达,但他们说的语言绝不是原始的。)
- 23、And bacteria,primitive forms of life, have been seen there.(细菌——一种原始的生命形式——在那里被发现。)
- 24、Duffy'sprimitive guitar playing is well below par.(达菲简单的吉他演奏远远低于预期的标准。)
- 25、At Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, research scientists have designed a 4-inch silicon chip that holds 700 tinyprimitive motors.(在俄亥俄州克利夫兰的凯斯西储大学,研究科学家设计了一种4英寸的硅片,可以容纳700个微型原始马达。)
- 26、primitive humans needed to be able to react like this to escape from dangerous animals.(原始人们需要能够像这样反应以逃脱危险的动物。)
- 27、She brought her children into the world at a time when obstetrics was aprimitive art.(她生孩子的时候,产科学还是一门原始医术。)
- 28、"Social norms areprimitive and elemental," says Dr. Robert Cialdini, author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.(“社会规范是原始的和基本的。”罗伯特·恰尔迪尼,《影响力:说服的心理学》的作者说。)
- 29、The conditions areprimitive by any standards.(这些条件以任何标准衡量都是简陋的。)
- 30、From these studies, scientists have concluded that the surface of theprimitive Earth was covered with oceans containing the molecules fundamental to life.(从这些研究中,科学家们得出结论,海洋覆盖着原始地球的表面,其中含有构成生命的基本分子。)