


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:24:32

  • 1、No, the classes fall into a separatecategory.(不,这些课程属于一个单独的类别。)
  • 2、Music shops should arrange their recordings in simple alphabetical order, rather than bycategory.(音像店应按照简单的字母顺序摆放其唱片,而不是按类别。)
  • 3、It is arguable that the majority of university students fall into thiscategory.(大部分大学生都属于这一类,这是有争议的。)
  • 4、Another family of snakes, the colubrids, don't really fit neatly into eithercategory though.(而另一种蛇类,黄颌蛇,并不完全属于任何一个类别。)
  • 5、In this example, the type of food symbolizes thecategory of guest and with whom it is eaten.(在这个例子中,食物的类型象征着客人的类别以及和谁一起吃。)
  • 6、The European Union Framework funding programs have long had acategory specifically targeted at social scientists.(长期以来,欧盟资助框架项目一直有一个专门针对社会科学家的类别。)
  • 7、She faces stiff competition in the Best Actresscategory.(她在最佳女演员这个奖项上面临着激烈的竞争。)
  • 8、For eachcategory, there was a panel that decided which submitted films to accept.(对于每一个奖项,都有一个评审团来决定哪部影片可以获奖。)
  • 9、Within eachcategory, the rate of acceptance for domestic films was the same as that for foreign films.(在各个类别中,国产影片的接受率与国外影片相同。)
  • 10、The wholecategory of diarrheal diseases, caused by viruses called enteroviruses. They infect your gut.(所有种类的腹泻疾病,都是由肠道病毒引起的。它们感染你的肠道。)
  • 11、In an interview last year with The Economist, George Whitesides, chief executive of space-tourism firm Virgin Galactic, was placing his company in the lattercategory.(在去年接受《经济学人》采访时,太空旅游公司维珍银河的首席执行官乔治·怀特赛兹将他的公司归为后一类。)
  • 12、His pictures don't fit into anycategory.(他的画哪一类也算不上。)
  • 13、Unemployment has surged in every major occupationalcategory.(每个主要职业类别的失业率都在飙升。)
  • 14、The secondcategory of Norwegian folk tale is the supernatural.(挪威民间故事的第二种类型是超自然。)
  • 15、Today we'll look at yet anothercategory of sculpture—made copies of famous Greek sculptures.(今天我们要看的是另一类以希腊著名雕塑为原型的雕塑复制品。)
  • 16、There are the people who speak after they think and the people who think while they're speaking. Mike definitely belongs in the lattercategory.(有些人先想后说,有些人边想边说。迈克当然属于后一类人。)
  • 17、Pluto is not included in eithercategory, because its great distance from Earth and its small size make this planet's true nature a mystery.(冥王星不属于这两类,因为它离地球太远,体积又小,使得它的真正性质成为一个谜。)
  • 18、Amid all the job losses of the Great Recession, there is onecategory of worker that the economic disruption has been good for: nonhumans.(在大衰退造成的所有失业中,有一类工作者在经济衰退中是受益的:非人类。)
  • 19、This book clearly falls into thecategory of fictionalized autobiography.(这本书显然类属自传体小说。)
  • 20、People in thiscategory make great engineers, soldiers and crossword-puzzle solvers.(这一类人通常是优秀的工程师,士兵和字谜解答者。)
  • 21、The judges could not decide whichcategory it belonged in.(法官们无法决定它属于哪一类别。)
  • 22、I would put you in the latercategory, with the individual, anti-traditional style of your writing.(我把你归入后一类,你的写作风格是独特的、反传统的。)
  • 23、There may be some matters of life and death or highest principle, which might justify such a risk, but there aren't many things that fall in thiscategory.(也许有一些关乎生死或最高原则的事情可以证明这种冒险是合理的,但属于这一类的事情并不多。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 24、Indeed, much that he related belonged more properly to thecategory of what-might-have-happened-had-I-only-thought-of-it-in-time-instead-of ten-minutes-afterwards.(的确,他所叙述的许多事情,更应该属于“当时要是及时想到,而不是十分钟以后想到,事情可能是这样”的范畴。)
  • 25、At the same time, extreme weather events likecategory 5 hurricanes are becoming more frequent.(与此同时,5级飓风等极端气象事件出现得越来越频繁。)
  • 26、The two poems we are looking at today fall into thecategory of medieval times.(我们今天要看的两首诗属于中世纪分类。)
  • 27、Out of over 400 staff there are just 7 that fall into thiscategory.(400多个职员中只有7人属于这一类。)
  • 28、These questions may be included in the samecategory.(这些问题可以归入一类。)
  • 29、A secondcategory I had noticed is the advice-seeker.(我注意到的第二种类型是寻求建议者。)


英 [ˈkætəgəri] 美 [ˈkætəgɔ:ri] 

名词复数: categories

