- 1、The size is of your pinkyfingernail, all within the skin, so you can just turn out your information to drive.(这个大小与你的小指指甲一样,全都放在皮肤下,所以你只要发出信息就可以驱动。)
- 2、The seal on the frosted bottle of Zubrowka was broken with a click—of plectrum onfingernail.(齐白露加酒磨砂瓶上的封蜡咔哒一声被手指甲上的拔子启开。)
- 3、Is the chunk that black appears insidefingernail why?(指甲里面出现黑色的大块是为什么?。)
- 4、Taipei has found its place in the world because of thesefingernail-sized chips.(因为这些指甲般大小的芯片,台北已在世界上找到立足之地。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 5、The separation or loosening of afingernail or toenail from its nail bed.(甲真菌病手指甲或脚趾甲从指甲床分离或松脱。)
- 6、As I turned on my side I noticed pieces offingernail, bits of skin and hair on the lift carpet.(当我转身侧卧时,注意到电梯的地毯上有零星的指甲、皮肤碎屑和头发。)
- 7、Did you see thatfingernail moon tonight?(你看到今晚的指甲状的月亮了吗?)
- 8、But when I refer to a crescent moon I'm usually just intending to communicate itsfingernail-clipping shape.(不过,当我提到一轮crescentmoon的时候,我通常只是想描述它的形状,像一片被剪下的、弯弯的手指甲。)
- 9、The coating must reachfingernail hardness.(涂层必须达到手指甲的硬度。)
- 10、I broke afingernail, laddered my tights and then missed my train - it seems it never rains but it pours.(我弄破了我的指甲,紧身衣裤抽了丝,并误了火车-乎真是祸不单行。)
- 11、I have thefingernail clippers you want.(我有你需要的指甲钳。)
- 12、Then, each finger is rolled onto prepared CARDS from one side of thefingernail to the other.(然后,每个手指滚动在从指甲盖的一边的准备的卡片上对其他的。)
- 13、Guess how long is the longestfingernail in the world?(请大家猜猜看世界上最长的手指甲到底有多长呢。)
- 14、fingernails grow faster than toenails and your middlefingernail is the quickest one to grow.(手指甲比脚趾的指甲长的快,同时中指是之中长得最快的。)
- 15、Objective: To provide a morphologic al basis for replantation, reconstruction and plastics offingernail.(目的:为临床指甲的再植再造、修复整形提供形态学基础。)
- 16、The border of epidermal tissue surrounding afingernail or toenail.(甲周皮围绕手指甲或脚指甲的表面组织边缘。)
- 17、Keep yourself neat and tidy from the hair style to thefingernail.(保持整洁利落的形象,无论是发型还是小到手指甲。)
- 18、fingernail polish is toxic if consumed, but the tiny amount you wipe on them won't hurt you.(指甲油是有毒的,但是少量的无关紧要。)
- 19、Today, the chip takes up less space than afingernail.(今天,该芯片只有一个指甲盖大小。)
- 20、For the dress with colourful collocation,fingernail also must gorgeous!(为了搭配色彩鲜艳的服饰,指甲也一定要绚丽多彩!)
- 21、It takes about 150 days to grow out a full lengthfingernail.(长出一个完整的指甲大约需要150天。)
- 22、"Too many good men died that day." Tyrion's scar was itching fiercely. He picked at it with afingernail.(“那天死了太多好人。”提利昂的疤痒的厉害,于是他用指甲挖了挖。)
- 23、Humans encounter a lot of trouble when they are the size of afingernail.(当人类和手指甲一样大时,会遇到的麻烦可不少。)
- 24、No wedding ring; cheapfingernail polish.(没有结婚戒指,廉价的指甲油。)
- 25、Six weeks after conception, your baby is the size of your littlefingernail.(受孕六周后你的孩子有你小手指甲那么大。)
- 26、This Phidippus mystaceus is small enough to perch on afingernail.(这种髭菲蛛(学名为菲蛛属髭种Phidippusmystaceus)小的足够栖息在一个指甲上。)