- 1、He felt somethingmove beside him.(他感觉到身边有东西在移动。)
- 2、I was too scared tomove.(我吓得动弹不得。)
- 3、Themove is a means to fight crime.(这个行动是打击犯罪的一种手段。)
- 4、Her new job is just a sidewaysmove.(她的新工作只是平级调动。)
- 5、Cover me while Imove forward.(掩护我前进。)
- 6、The train began tomove.(火车开动了。)
- 7、"move!" she cried. "Don't be so darn poky!"(她喊道:“动起来!别那么慢吞吞的!”)
- 8、What's the date of yourmove?(你什么时候搬家?)
- 9、Themove was extra-constitutional.(此举在宪法的规定范围之外。)
- 10、It's getting late—we'd better make amove.(时间不早了—我们得动身了。)
- 11、Themove has heightened tension in the state.(这一举动加剧了该州的紧张局势。) Hao86.com
- 12、Everymove was painful.(每动一下都很痛。)
- 13、That was a smart careermove.(那是个人事业发展上的一着妙棋。)
- 14、She seems favourably disposed to themove.(她似乎对这一行动持赞同态度。)
- 15、She could notmove unassisted.(她不能够独力活动。)
- 16、We'll need tomove the piano on rollers.(我们需要用滚子来移动钢琴。)
- 17、He lay there, unable tomove.(他躺在那里动弹不得。)
- 18、You'd bettermove smartish.(你最好快一些。)
- 19、Don'tmove—we've got you covered !(不许动!我们的枪口正对着你们!)
- 20、The car was already on themove.(汽车已经开动了。)
- 21、We made preparations tomove to new offices.(我们已准备好要搬到新办公室。)
- 22、They had tomove into temporary accommodation.(他们不得不搬进临时住所。)
- 23、It's your turn tomove.(该你走棋了。)
- 24、In 1960 this was a boldmove.(在1960年,这是一个大胆的举动。)
- 25、Themove was good public relations.(这一举措是很好的公关工作。)
- 26、I can'tmove my fingers.(我的手指动不了了。)
- 27、They are planning tomove house next spring.(他们在计划明年春天搬家。)
- 28、Could youmove—you're in my light.(挪动一下好吗?你挡住我的光线了。)
- 29、move over and let me drive.(让开,让我来开车。)
- 30、This lastmove can only be applauded.(这最后的举措不得不受到称赞。)