- 1、There was afox on the prowl near the chickens.(有一只狐狸在鸡群附近徘徊。)
- 2、Dr.fox went to the aid of the dying man despite having been injured in the crash.(尽管他自己在撞车事故中也受了伤,福克斯医生仍然去救助那个奄奄一息的男子。)
- 3、He's a wily oldfox.(他是个诡计多端的老狐狸。)
- 4、Thefox shouldn't go first.(狐狸不应该先走。)
- 5、At length came a youngfox.(最后来了一只年轻的狐狸。)
- 6、He was as cunning as afox.(他像狐狸一样狡猾。)
- 7、A few years earlier, she had worked at 20th Centuryfox as a film editor.(几年前,她曾是20世纪福克斯公司的一名电影剪辑师。)
- 8、fox stepped forward, welcomed him in Malay, and presented him to Jack.(福克斯向前跨了一步,用马来语对他表示了欢迎,接着把他正式介绍给了杰克。)
- 9、Even from a distance, the effect of hisfox costume was stunning.(即使从远处看,他的狐装造型也非常漂亮。)
- 10、"I'll explain," said thefox.(“我来解释。”狐狸说。)
- 11、Next week he'll be in Florida for consultations with President Vicentefox.(下星期他将在佛罗里达同维森特·福克斯总统作磋商。)
- 12、The cleverfox escaped the hunter.(聪明的狐狸逃避了猎人。)
- 13、fox was making a long parenthetical remark about his travels on the border of the country.(福克斯正在插入一大段题外话,讲述他在该国边境游历的故事。)
- 14、The boss is a wily oldfox.(老板是个狡猾的老狐狸。)
- 15、Jamesfox is best known as the author of "White Mischief," and he is currently working on a new book.(詹姆斯·福克斯以其作品《欲望城》最为知名,目前他正在写一本新书。)
- 16、"Nothing else", answered thefox.(“没有别的了。”狐狸回答说。)
- 17、I decided to try for a more natural shot of afox peering from the bushes.(我决定尝试拍摄一只狐狸从灌木丛中偷窥的一个更自然的镜头。)
- 18、On farms thefox is considered vermin and treated as such.(在农场里狐狸被当成有害动物来对待。)
- 19、The next day,fox issued a press release saying the show had sold out in 24 hours.(第二天,福克斯公司发布新闻稿称该演出门票已在24小时内卖空。)
- 20、The makeup woman had been daubing mock blood on Jeremyfox when last he'd seen her.(他上次见到那位女化妆师的时候,她正不停地往杰里米·福克斯身上涂抹假血。)
- 21、On the way they met thefox.(他们在路上遇到了狐狸。)
- 22、The fight will be televised free to air on thefox Network.(这场对决将在福克斯电视网免费播出。)
- 23、The dogs tore thefox apart.(几条狗把那只狐狸撕成了碎片。)
- 24、Thefox jumps into the well.(狐狸跳入井中。) haO86.com
- 25、We once watched a redfox attacking a groundhog.(我们曾看见一只红狐攻击一只土拨鼠。)
- 26、Thefox was running for the shelter of the trees.(狐狸朝树丛跑,想要躲藏起来。)
- 27、She hoped thatfox could be drafted to run the organization.(她希望福克斯能够被选派来掌管这个组织。)
- 28、Why was thefox sad at last?(为什么狐狸最后很伤心?)
- 29、fox, badger, and weasel are regularly seen here.(这里经常看得到狐狸、獾和黄鼠狼。)