好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的as for的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条as for的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了as for的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、as for the actual function of blushing, researchers are still trying to find that one out.(至于脸红的实际作用,研究人员仍在试图找出答案。) haO86.com
- 2、Your wishing-cloak hangs up in the closet, andas for the bird's heart, I will give it to you too.(你的如意斗篷挂在壁橱里,至于鸟的心,我也还给你。)
- 3、as for cherries, they are so delicious.(至于樱桃,它们太好吃了。)
- 4、as for the title, why do England lose?(至于冠军,英格兰为什么输?)
- 5、as for his job – well, he was very mysterious about it.(至于他的工作–嘿,他对此十分诡秘。)
- 6、as for Jo, she's doing fine.(至于乔,她现在日子过得不错。)
- 7、as for high-heels, they hoist the derriere and make the gait more feminine and physically attractive.(至于高跟鞋,它们提升了臀部,使步态更女性化,从而体态迷人。)
- 8、as for food for the party, that's all being taken care of.(关于聚会要用的食物,都在置办当中。)
- 9、as for craftsmanship itself, the issue is how to preserve it as a valued skill in the general population.(至于技艺本身,问题在于如何在普通大众中将它作为一种有价值的技能保留。)
- 10、as for Venetians, they're beyond frustrated and hoping for a solution soon.(至于威尼斯人,他们没有沮丧,而且希望尽快找到解决办法。)
- 11、as for eating and drinking on the subway, different people have different opinions.(至于在地铁里吃东西喝饮料,不同的人有不同的观点。)
- 12、as for the organization itself, it declined a request for an interview.(至于该组织,它拒绝了采访要求。)
- 13、Soas for your question, Miles, the answer still has to be no.(那么至于你的问题,迈尔斯,回答依然是否定的。)
- 14、as for me, let me tell you, I hate to study!(至于我,让我告诉你,我讨厌学习!)
- 15、"as for my future plan, I will stick to reading and reciting poems," Lei said.(“至于我的未来计划,我将坚持阅读和背诵诗歌。”雷说。)
- 16、as for the Adams brothers, they said they would always be ready to help her.(至于亚当斯兄弟,他们说他们会随时准备帮助她。)
- 17、as for popular attitudes towards dinosaur, take the Oviraptor for instance.(至于人们对恐龙的普遍态度,以盗龙为例。)
- 18、as for the coolies and their cyber-employers, both would like more lessons in English.(对于那些苦力和他们的网络雇主来说,他们都想要更多的英语授课。)
- 19、as for spinosaurus, diet was just the tip of the evolutionary iceberg.(对于棘龙来说,饮食只是进化的冰山一角。)
- 20、as for the cost, you can ask your mother for some advice.(至于费用,你可以征求你妈妈的意见。)
- 21、as for the others--you know that coach-house of his?(至于其他的人——你知道他的马车房吧?)
- 22、as for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come.(至于感冒,一个人越早开始服用非处方药物,症状就会缓解得越快。)
- 23、as for pulling me out of the window, I only wish they COULD!(至于把我从窗里拉出去,我只希望他们能办到!)
- 24、as for the Chinese team, they've sent the largest delegation ever to compete.(至于中国队,他们派出了史上最大规模的代表团参加比赛。)
- 25、I don't know why the guy yelled at me. Andas for going back there, certainly I would never go back, for fear of receiving further abuse.(我不知道为什么这个家伙冲我吼叫。至于回到那儿去,我肯定永远也不会回去了,生怕遭到更多的虐待。)
- 26、as for our customers, they are all animal lovers, so they would never try to hurt the rabbits.(至于我们的客户,他们都是动物爱好者,所以他们从来不会试图伤害兔子。)
- 27、as for London, in the Victorian period, it had problems with its air.(至于伦敦,在维多利亚时期,它的空气有问题。)
- 28、as for Peter, he saw Wendy once again before he flew away.(至于彼得,他在飞走之前又看见了温迪。)
- 29、as for me, it was honor to have such a close friend like you.(对于我来说,有你这样的好朋友是我的荣幸。)