
hold on

hold on造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 23:30:01

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的hold on的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条hold on的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了hold on的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、hold on and don't let go until I say so.(握紧,我让你松手时再松开。)
  • 2、Just a moment.hold on.(等一会儿。)
  • 3、hold on to your dreams.(紧紧抓住你的梦想。)
  • 4、We musthold on.(我们必须坚持下去。)
  • 5、Make sure you've got a steadyhold on the camera.(一定要拿稳相机。)
  • 6、You shouldhold on to your oil shares.(你应该继续保留住你的石油股份。)
  • 7、You shouldhold on.(那你绝对要抓住机会。)
  • 8、I told him how we had fought tohold on to the company.(我告诉他我们是如何为保住公司而奋斗的。)
  • 9、Could you pleasehold on?(可以请你等一下吗?)
  • 10、"Justhold on a cotton-picking minute," I said.(“就等该死的一分钟,”我说。)
  • 11、hold on, let me check.(等会,让我查一查。)
  • 12、Can wehold on to this content?(我们能保存这个内容吗?)
  • 13、hold on a minute while I get my breath back.(稍等一下,让我喘口气。)
  • 14、hold on a moment please.(请稍等。)
  • 15、hold on. I'll get him.(等一下,我去找他。)
  • 16、Unlike the day traders, they tended tohold on to stocks for days and weeks, sometimes even months.(和当日交易者不同,他们倾向于持股几天、几周有时甚至几个月。)
  • 17、hold on a moment!(且慢!)
  • 18、The manager asked him tohold on while he investigated.(经理让他稍等一会,他去调查一下。)
  • 19、The government was prepared to keep a tighthold on public sector pay rises.(政府准备保持对公共部门薪资增长的严格控制。)
  • 20、Pleasehold on a second.(请稍等一会。)
  • 21、They managed tohold on until help arrived.(他们勉强坚持到救援到来。)
  • 22、Can youhold on? I'll see if he's here.(等一下行吗?我去看看他在不在。)
  • 23、hold on! This isn't the right road.(等一下!这条路不对。)
  • 24、He released hishold on the camera.(他松开了握着照相机的手。)
  • 25、Hishold on her arm tightened.(他把她的胳膊抓得更紧了。)
  • 26、hold on please, I'm trying to connect you.(请别挂电话,我在尽力给您接通。)
  • 27、I will alwayshold on!(我会一直坚持下去!)
hold on基本释义

hold on

英 [həuld ɔn] 美 [hold ɑn] 


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