- 1、My father's gentlekindness taught me a lesson which I would never forget.(父亲的温柔和友善给我上了一堂永生难忘的课。)
- 2、He iskindness personified.(他是仁慈的化身。)
- 3、We're looking for people of all ages who have performed outstanding acts of bravery,kindness, or courage.(我们正在寻找各个年龄的、曾有过无畏、善良或英勇之举的杰出人士。)
- 4、kindness can build on itself as much as violence can.(善良可以像暴力一样建立在自身之上。)
- 5、We sowed seeds of friendship and watered them withkindness and patience.(我们播下友谊的种子,用善意和耐心浇灌它们。)
- 6、With all mykindness, however, I never succeeded in gaining my Donkey's love.(然而,尽管我很仁慈,我还是没能得到我的驴子的顺从。)
- 7、Alright," said the sparrow, "for your husband'skindness, I offer you two choices."(“好吧,”麻雀说,“出于你丈夫的好意,我给你两个选择。”)
- 8、Your father'skindness means more to me than anything else.(你父亲的仁慈对我来说比什么都重要。)
- 9、Confucius stressed the importance ofkindness, duty and order in society.(孔子强调了善良、责任和社会秩序的重要性。)
- 10、People are tired of seeing their acts ofkindness and service pass without comment.(人们对于看到他们的善举和服务没有得到评论已经厌倦了。)
- 11、Pardon the bother, and many thanks for yourkindness.(抱歉打扰了,非常感谢你的好意。)
- 12、The acts of randomkindness spread.(不经意的善举会广泛传播。)
- 13、Heaven reward you for yourkindness and self-denial!(上天会奖赏你的善良和舍己的!)
- 14、We should repay hiskindness.(我们应该报答他的好意。)
- 15、Every visitor to Georgia is overwhelmed by thekindness, charm, and hospitality of the people.(来到佐治亚州的每一个人都为当地人的善良、魅力和好客感动不已。)
- 16、All these years later we are still thankful for the strangers'kindness.(这么多年过去了,我们仍然对陌生人的善良心存感激。)
- 17、Acts ofkindness could not only help others, but also make ourselves happier.(善良的行为不仅能帮助别人,也能使自己更快乐。)
- 18、He is entranced by thekindness of her smile.(她善意的微笑令他着迷。) haO86.com
- 19、The flowers were a small acknowledgement of yourkindness.(这些花聊表谢意,感谢你的好心帮助。)
- 20、We'd like you to accept this gift in payment for yourkindness.(谨以薄礼答谢厚爱,敬请笑纳。)
- 21、As a child I was surrounded by love andkindness.(幼年时我备受关爱。)
- 22、His main ideas are aboutkindness and good manners.(他的主要思想是善良和礼貌。)
- 23、Thank you for yourkindness.(谢谢你的好意。)
- 24、His sweet nature andkindness made him a keeper, she said.(她说他的可爱和善良使他成为值得珍视的人。)
- 25、His most important ideas arekindness and good manners.(他最重要的思想是善良和礼貌。)
- 26、Her friend'skindness has restored her faith in human nature.(她朋友的善意使她恢复了对人性的信心。)
- 27、Hiskindness did not go unnoticed by his staff.(他的厚道员工了然于心。)
- 28、His most important teachings are aboutkindness and good manners.(他最重要的教导是善良和礼貌。)
- 29、Like all great events,kindness begins slowly, with every single act.(像所有伟大的事情一样,善良是从每一个行动慢慢开始的。)
- 30、We have been treated with suchkindness by everybody.(我们受到了大家如此亲切的对待。)