- 1、Good sense asserteditself.(明智服人。)
- 2、The dog scratcheditself behind the ear.(狗用爪子挠挠耳后。)
- 3、I think lifeitself is a learning process.(我认为生活本身是一个学习的过程。)
- 4、It doesn't have the market toitself.(它未能独占市场。)
- 5、The fire had burntitself out.(炉火烧尽熄灭了。)
- 6、The cat was washingitself.(猫在清洗自己。)
- 7、The bullet embeddeditself in the wall.(子弹射进了墙里。)
- 8、The novelitself remains oddly inert.(那小说本身异常乏味。)
- 9、The army's always been a society untoitself.(军队从来都是一个自成一体的社会。)
- 10、The company has gotitself into difficulties.(公司本身陷入了困境。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 11、My phone seems to switchitself off randomly.(我的手机好像随时自动关机。)
- 12、It will all sortitself out in the end.(问题最后都会自行解决。)
- 13、The hedgehog scruncheditself up into a ball.(刺猬蜷成一个圆球。)
- 14、Life has a nasty habit of repeatingitself.(生活总是令人厌烦地重复着。)
- 15、The legislation represents initself an unhappy compromise.(这项立法本身就是不可取的妥协。)
- 16、The school systemitself is not totally desegregated.(学校制度本身并没有被完全废除种族隔离。)
- 17、Does the VCR turnitself off?(录像机会自动停止录像吗?)
- 18、The frog puffeditself up.(这只青蛙胀得鼓鼓的。)
- 19、A solution proffereditself.(一个解答自然出现了。)
- 20、The baby was screamingitself hoarse.(婴儿哭得嗓子都哑了。)
- 21、The operationitself is a brief, painless procedure.(手术本身是一个短暂、无痛的过程。)
- 22、This cycle repeatsitself ad infinitum.(这个周期一直循环往复。)
- 23、The virus needs two weeks to manifestitself.(这种病毒需要两周才能发作。)
- 24、Her success speaks foritself.(她的成功有目共睹。)
- 25、The cat rubbeditself against my legs.(猫在我腿上蹭来蹭去。)
- 26、The raceitself is very exciting.(比赛本身就令人非常兴奋。)
- 27、If cornered, the snake will defenditself.(蛇在被逼得走投无路时会自卫的。)
- 28、One major problem did presentitself, though.(不过,确实出现了一个重大问题。)
- 29、The government founditself confronted by massive opposition.(政府发现自己遭到了强烈的反对。)
- 30、The jobitself had been simple enough.(这工作本身一直就相当容易。)