


更新时间:2024-12-15 22:54:11

  • 1、In these places the weather maybrighten some people's lives in more ways than one.(在这些地方,明媚的阳光照亮的不仅是人们的生活。)
  • 2、Nothing like a lime green concrete-covered slope tobrighten up a corner.(用绿色石灰遮盖的斜坡很有趣吧)
  • 3、Both artificial and natural light willbrighten up a room, making it look bigger.(无论是人造光还是自然光都将点亮一个房间,让它看起来空间更大。)
  • 4、The sun rises tobrighten the land.(太阳升上高空照亮了整个大地。)
  • 5、In other words, our moods canbrighten thanks to someone we haven't even met.(换句话说就是我们的快乐心情可能要归功于我们甚至不曾谋面的那个人。)
  • 6、If you light a lamp for somebody, it will alsobrighten your path.(为别人点一盏灯,照亮别人,也照亮了自己。)
  • 7、Seeing him, she seemed tobrighten a little.(看见他她似乎高兴点了。)
  • 8、It canbrighten the world around you.(它会让你周围的世界变得美好。)
  • 9、It could do with a lick of paint tobrighten up its premises.(用一点涂料就可以让房子明亮起来。)
  • 10、The colorsbrighten.(色彩熠熠生辉。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 11、They willbrighten the dreary lives of Cubans.(他们将照亮古巴人沉闷的生活。)
  • 12、Choose a few vertical pieces, such as plants and lamps, tobrighten up corners.(多选择一些立式的小物品,像植物或者灯,这样可以点缀你房间的角落。)
  • 13、That does not do much tobrighten the prospects of kids in the city.(那并没怎么改善城里孩子们的前途。)
  • 14、The flash willbrighten up people's faces and make them stand out.(闪光可照亮人物的脸部,使其影相突出。)
  • 15、Applying fresh peel to your face can lighten andbrighten the complexion.(用柿皮敷脸可以使皮肤明亮,有光泽。)
  • 16、This will boost her confidence andbrighten the entire night for her.(这将促进她的自信,并在黑夜里给她明亮。)
  • 17、Fresh flowers willbrighten up any room in the house.(鲜花会使屋里的任何房间都亮丽生色。)
  • 18、According to the forecast, it shouldbrighten up later.(根据天气预报,晚一点天应该会转晴。)
  • 19、Theybrighten in parks and gardens as they fly among the flowers.(当它们在花丛中飞舞时,它们使公园和花园熠熠生辉。)
  • 20、In the distance, the sky was beginning tobrighten.(远方的天空开始泛白。)
  • 21、What is it that you can do tobrighten their day somewhat?(这样做是不是会令他们的一天变得更美好一点?)
  • 22、brighten and say hello when you see people in the hallway and elevator.(当你在走廊或者电梯上看到他人的时候,说声你好,用你的快乐点亮他人。)
  • 23、brighten, his head cocks, he pauses under a green bough.(明亮,头颅高昂,他在一根绿色的树枝下停下来。)
  • 24、There’s nothing like colour tobrighten up an office space.(没有东西比色彩更能照亮办公空间。)
  • 25、Consider several ways tobrighten things up to sustain your output and energy.(考虑下面的几种方法让办公空间亮丽起来以便保持你的工作和精力。)
  • 26、David spotted the pink silk lampshade in a shop and thought it wouldbrighten up the room.(大卫在一家商店发现了这个粉色的丝绸灯罩,他想它会使房间生辉。)
  • 27、His eyesbrighten as he ponders the possibility.(思考这种种可能性时他激动得两眼冒光。)


英 [ˈbraɪtn] 美 [ˈbraɪtn:] 

名词: brightener 过去式: brightened 过去分词: brightened 现在分词: brightening 第三人称单数: brightens

