
get away with

get away with造句

更新时间:2024-12-22 22:43:33

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的get away with的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条get away with的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了get away with的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、Don't think you canget away with this with impunity!(别以为你不受处罚就可以这样逃脱了!)
  • 2、She'll let meget away with a little tardiness.(她会允许我有一些拖拉,不是吗?)
  • 3、Only a movie star couldget away with it.(只有一个电影明星才能做得到。)
  • 4、"You won'tget away with this," he said with unexpected bravado.(“你逃脱不了的,”他带着出人意料的假自信说道。)
  • 5、You're not going toget away with this!(你们是跑不了的!)
  • 6、Men: a man canget away with wearing one ring and that's it.(男人:男人最多戴一个戒指。)
  • 7、She wouldn't let meget away with just that!(她不会让我侥幸逃脱的!)
  • 8、And we won't let themget away with it.(而我们不会让他们轻易得手。)
  • 9、Therefore, you canget away with simply running: $ gvpe.(因此,只需运行以下命令即可离开:$gvpe。)
  • 10、You'll be wiser like God. You canget away with it.(你不会死,你只会像神一样更有智慧。)
  • 11、After the first month, you should be able toget away with one lesson a week.(第一个月之后,每周上一次课就可以了。)
  • 12、Neat trick if you canget away with it!(干净利落的把戏,如果你能得以逃脱的话!)
  • 13、get away with me and you'll recover your life.(跟我来,你必发现你的生命。)
  • 14、He was lucky toget away with only a fine.(他算是万幸,只被罚款了事。)
  • 15、How do malesget away with such egregious behavior?(雄蜘蛛是如何用这些恶劣的行为侥幸成功的?)
  • 16、Now,get away with you.(现在,你走开。)
  • 17、The criminals know how to play the system andget away with it.(那些罪犯知道怎样钻制度的空子并逃脱惩罚。)
  • 18、If you cheat in the exam, you could hardlyget away with it.(如果你考试作弊,你很难逃脱惩罚。)
  • 19、How do the chaebol familiesget away with it?(财阀家族是如何侥幸逃脱的呢?)
  • 20、I'm not going to let youget away with that.(我不会让你那么想。)
  • 21、He mayget away with it.(他可能侥幸成功。)
  • 22、I won't let youget away with that.(我不会让你得逞的。)
  • 23、Maybe it's simply because he couldget away with it.(或许仅仅是因为他能违规而不被惩罚。)
  • 24、And what lies can theyget away with telling?(他们要说出怎样的谎言才能逃脱惩罚?)
  • 25、He will be lucky toget away with it.(如果他做到了,那么他会是很幸运的。) 【好工具】
  • 26、You cannot mock God andget away with it.(你无法每次愚弄了上帝却可以成功的逃脱。)
  • 27、How does heget away with it?(他是如何摆脱它?)
get away with基本释义

get away with

英 [ɡet əˈwei wið] 美 [ɡɛt əˈwe wɪð] 

