好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的look forward to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条look forward to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了look forward to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、They bothlook forward to it all week.(他们整整一周都期待着这个。)
- 2、Thank you for calling the Pactononsee phone line and welook forward to seeing you soon on one of our tour buses.(感谢您致电Pactononsee热线,我们期待在我们其中一辆旅游巴士上见到您。)
- 3、I nowlook forward to going back to work as soon as possible.(我现在盼望尽快回到工作中。)
- 4、Welook forward to hearing from you.(我们期待收到您的回复。)
- 5、Aunt Kate, welook forward to seeing you on the twelfth!(凯特姑姑,我们期待着您在十二日的到来!)
- 6、Times were grey, but Harry Potter always gave me something tolook forward to.(时代是灰暗的,但是哈利·波特总是给了我一些期待。)
- 7、Ilook forward to each day and experiencing something new.(我期待着每一天,体验一些新的东西。)
- 8、Ilook forward to seeing Julie smile when I plop the gifts on her desk.(我期待着把礼物扑通一声放到朱莉桌上时,她会喜笑颜开。) (hao86.com好工具)
- 9、Welook forward to your reture on an early day.(我们盼望你早日归队。)
- 10、If welook forward to the end of the term, we'll read The Human Stain, which is about a man, Coleman Silk, who tries to and succeeds in passing as Jewish.(如果我们期待一下期末,我们将会读到《人性的污点》,写一个叫ColemanSilk的男人努力并成功地假装成犹太人。)
- 11、Neither rain nor snow keeps the postman from delivering our letters which we so muchlook forward to receive.(无论下雨还是下雪,邮递员都无法寄出我们非常希望收到的信件。)
- 12、Do youlook forward to having a brother or sister?(你期待拥有一个兄弟还是姐妹?)
- 13、Welook forward to strengthening still further our already close co-operation with the police.(我们期待进一步加强和警方现有的密切合作。)
- 14、Ilook forward to the future with confidence.(我对未来充满信心。)
- 15、Of course, after wearing heels for a day, any woman knows she canlook forward to a night of pain as she tries to comfort her swollen, aching feet.("当然,穿了一天高跟鞋后,试着揉揉那双肿胀变形疼痛难忍的脚以缓解痛苦,任何女人都知道所盼来的是痛苦之夜。)
- 16、You might even be tempted to assume that humanity has little future tolook forward to.(你甚至可能会被劝诱,认为人文没有什么值得期待的未来。)
- 17、Running will become your oasis of peace, a time youlook forward to each day.(跑步将会成为你宁静的绿洲,成为你每天都会期待的一段时光。)
- 18、Woopies canlook forward to a happy New Year.(富有的退休人士可以期待一个快乐新年。)
- 19、We welcome this development and welook forward to early ratification of the treaty by China.(我们欢迎这一进展并期望中国早日批准本条约。)
- 20、I have something tolook forward to in this world now, thank God!(现在我在这个世界上有了盼头,感谢上帝!)
- 21、Let'slook forward to the future!(让我们展望未来!)
- 22、Soon I began tolook forward to visiting this hushed sanctuary from my other world.(不久,我开始盼望着到另外一个世界里僻静的庇护所去看看。)
- 23、When Elon Musk says that his new priority is using artificial intelligence to build domestic robots, we shouldlook forward to the day in admiration.(当埃隆·马斯克表示,他的新首要任务是利用人工智能制造家用机器人时,我们应该怀着钦佩的心情期待这一天的到来。)
- 24、Ilook forward to hearing from you.(盼望着收到你的信。)
- 25、Welook forward to seeing Mrs Brown and your good self this evening.(我们期盼今晚能见到布朗夫人和您本人。)
- 26、I shalllook forward to hearing from you.(我期待着收到你的消息。)
- 27、I have achieved varying degrees of fluency in 12 languages, andlook forward to learning more.(我已经在12门语言上达到了不同程度的流利,还期待学更多种语言。)
- 28、Welook forward to having you as a member.(我们期待着您的加入。)
- 29、Oh, how Ilook forward to it all!(啊,我多么盼望这一切啊!)