- 1、Let's park thatuntil our next meeting.(咱们把这留到下次开会时再处理吧。)
- 2、Heat the jamuntil it liquefies.(加热果酱直至其液化。)
- 3、He was in the pubuntil closing time.(他在酒馆里待到打烊。)
- 4、until when can you stay?(你可以待到什么时候?)
- 5、You may stayuntil morning, if you wish.(如果你愿意,你可以一直待到早晨。)
- 6、Beat ituntil the dough is slightly elastic.(反复捶打,直到面团略有弹性。)
- 7、until 1983 he worked in sales and marketing.(到1983年为止他一直供职于市场营销部。)
- 8、Stiruntil the sauce has thickened.(不停地搅拌沙司,直到搅稠为止。)
- 9、They remained in Mexicountil June.(他们在墨西哥一直住到六月。) Hao86.com
- 10、He refused to commentuntil after the trial.(在审判结果出来之前他拒绝给予任何评论。)
- 11、until 2004, she lived in Canada.(到2004年为止,她一直住在加拿大。)
- 12、The car is taxeduntil July.(这辆汽车的牌照税缴纳到了七月。)
- 13、We waited insideuntil things calmed down.(我们待在室内,直到一切都恢复了平静。)
- 14、The offer will remain openuntil further notice.(该报价将一直有效,直到另有通知。)
- 15、I'll wait outsideuntil the meeting's over.(我要在外面等到会议结束。)
- 16、She lay sleeplessuntil dawn.(她躺在那儿,直到天亮才睡着。)
- 17、The talks are expected to continueuntil tomorrow.(会谈预料将持续到明天。)
- 18、Warm the honeyuntil it becomes runny.(把蜂蜜加热到它变稀为止。)
- 19、Heatuntil all the water has evaporated.(加热直至水全部蒸发。)
- 20、He continued working upuntil his death.(他一直工作到去世。)
- 21、The car coasted alonguntil it stopped.(汽车随惯性而下直至滑行停止。)
- 22、until now I have always lived alone.(直到现在,我一直独自生活。)
- 23、Heat gentlyuntil the sugar dissolves.(慢慢加热直到糖溶解为止。)
- 24、We didn't leaveuntil the very end.(我们直到最后才离开。)
- 25、I'll waituntil they arrive.(我会一直等到他们来。)
- 26、The store stays openuntil late on Thursdays.(这商店每星期四都会开到很晚。)
- 27、The player is contracted to playuntil August.(这位选手签约参加比赛到八月份。)
- 28、Cookuntil the sugar starts to caramelize.(煮到糖开始熬成焦糖。)
- 29、The exhibition continuesuntil 25 July.(展览要持续到7月25日。)
- 30、I waiteduntil it got dark.(我一直等到天黑。)