
add up to

add up to造句

更新时间:2025-03-09 23:28:53

好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的add up to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条add up to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了add up to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、All those Fannie Mae shares do notadd up to much money.(然而全部这些房利美股票加起来,也不值多少钱。)
  • 2、Together, that wouldadd up to roughly 300 calories.(这些食物总共有约300卡路里的热量。)
  • 3、It's the tiny, gradual improvements thatadd up to world-beating results.(这些微小的、渐进的改进累积起来就产生了一流的成果。)
  • 4、What do these criticismsadd up to?(这些批评说明了什么?)
  • 5、For a hit show, profits canadd up to millions of dollars.(对于一个热门节目,利润可达上百万美元。)
  • 6、In general, pull factorsadd up to an apparently better chance for a good life and material well-being than is offered by the place of origin.(一般来说,促使因素叠加显然比原产地提供的条件更易获得良好的生活和物质福利。)
  • 7、I bet they canadd up to a pretty penny if you aren't careful.(我确信如果你平常不是很小心的话,这些账单的数目还是相当可观的。)
  • 8、The total words do notadd up to a large number.(所有文字合计起来数目也不大。)
  • 9、These small delays neverthelessadd up to big costs, he notes.(然而,这些小的延误累计起来就会造成一大笔开销,鲍伯解释道。)
  • 10、What does this alladd up to?(所有这些分析的结论是什么?)
  • 11、The numbersadd up to exactly 100.(这些数字的总数恰好是100。)
  • 12、The current from these parallel generators willadd up to make a total flow of 500 amperes.(这些并联的发电机的电流会累积在一起,总电流达到500安培。)
  • 13、What do these bits of informationadd up to?(这些信息说明什么?)
  • 14、The three accountsadd up to 65,000 yuan.(这三笔账归并起来是六万五千元。)
  • 15、In some cases this canadd up to a significant memory leak.(在某些情况下,这会显著加剧内存泄漏。)
  • 16、Over time, this canadd up to thousands of dollars.(随着时间的推移,多交的钱多大几千美元。)
  • 17、The women doctors and women nurses in the hospitaladd up to two hundred and five.(这个医院的女医生、女护士共计二百零五人。)
  • 18、Many small victoriesadd up to a big one.(积小胜为大胜。)
  • 19、All in all, I find theseadd up to just a bunch of annoyances.(总而言之,我发现这些只是增加了一些烦心事。)
  • 20、These feesadd up to rather large sums.(这些费用累加后的总和相当巨大。)
  • 21、Little grains of sand canadd up to a mountain over time.(日积月累,要相信细沙也可以堆积成山。)
  • 22、The bill canadd up to several hundred thousand dollars.(账单数目可达几十万美元。)
  • 23、Thoseadd up to around 25 minutes of AD time.(这些加起来大概有25分钟的广告时间。)
  • 24、These by no meansadd up to modernism.(这些并不是现代主义的附加意义。)
  • 25、The figuresadd up to 592.(这些数累计起来是592。)
  • 26、Theyadd up to have an enormous impact on results.(结果累积成巨大的影响。)
add up to基本释义

add up to

英 [æd ʌp tu:] 美 [æd ʌp tu] 

总计达; 等于; 意味着; 总起来说
