- 1、steel cans were introduced sometime during the forties.(钢罐是在四十年代的某个时候开始使用的。)
- 2、The stainlesssteel pipework has been constructed, tested, and inspected to very high standards.(此不锈钢管道工程已完成,以高标准测试检验过了。)
- 3、The walls of the vault were plated withsteel.(保险库的墙壁都装了钢板。)
- 4、The decision is a hammer blow for thesteel industry.(这一决定对于钢铁业是一个沉重的打击。)
- 5、We were crawling along the narrowsteel lattice of the bridge.(我们沿着大桥窄窄的钢制格子爬行着。)
- 6、The city is characterized by tall modern buildings insteel and glass.(这座城市的特点是钢铁和玻璃建造的现代化高楼大厦林立。)
- 7、Thesteel frames began to buckle under the strain.(钢架在重压下开始变形。)
- 8、The towers are made ofsteel cased in granite.(这些塔楼是钢结构,花岗岩贴面。)
- 9、They discussed the problems ailing thesteel industry.(他们讨论了困扰钢铁工业的问题。)
- 10、Thesteel mill was dismantled piece by piece.(钢厂已经一块块拆散了。)
- 11、In University Square workmen are building asteel fence.(在大学广场工人们正在筑一个钢栅栏。)
- 12、The engine was lifted in a sling ofsteel rope.(引擎用钢丝吊索吊了起来。)
- 13、Coal andsteel were the region's lifeblood.(煤炭和钢铁曾是这个地区的生命线。)
- 14、Gerald's violin strings are made of gut rather thansteel.(杰拉尔德的小提琴弦是用肠线而不是钢丝制成的。)
- 15、The reactor is encased in concrete andsteel.(核反应堆由钢筋混凝土围住。)
- 16、steel is made from iron.(钢是由铁炼成的。)
- 17、The standard spec includes stainlesssteel holding tanks.(标准设计包括不锈钢存储器。)
- 18、The aluminium body is 12% lighter than if built withsteel.(用铝制作比用钢制作重量要轻12%。)
- 19、Flasks for the transport of spent fuel are extremely strong containers made ofsteel orsteel and lead.(运送废燃料的容器极为坚固,是用钢或钢铅合金制成的。)
- 20、He hung the light from asteel crossbeam in the roof.(他在屋顶上的钢横梁上吊上电灯。)
- 21、Overhead cranes were lifting giant sheets ofsteel.(高架起重机正吊起一块块巨大的钢材。)
- 22、The bridge is reinforced with hugesteel girders.(这座桥用巨大的钢梁加固了。)
- 23、The theatre is a futuristicsteel and glass structure.(该剧院是一座未来派的钢筋玻璃结构建筑。)
- 24、A twenty-footsteel pyramid is to be hoisted into position on top of the tower.(一座20英尺高的钢制金字塔将被吊到塔顶该放的位置上。)
- 25、steel used to be important in South Wales.(以前钢铁工业在南威尔士很重要。)
- 26、The tanks were mainly constructed ofsteel plates.(这些坦克车主要是用钢板制造的。)
- 27、There is no quick fix for thesteel industry.(钢铁工业的问题没有即时解决的办法。) haO86.com
- 28、The frame is made ofsteel.(这个架子是钢制的。)
- 29、His father worked shifts in asteel mill.(他的父亲在一家钢铁厂轮班工作。)