- 1、Here is asticker for you.(奖励你一个贴纸。)
- 2、Some of these ads are small like a bumpersticker but others can cover the entire car.(有些广告比较小,比如招贴画那样的,还有些可能要覆盖整个车身。)
- 3、Maybe you give them asticker or a toy.(也许给他们一张贴纸,或者一个玩具。)
- 4、He's never met asticker price he didn't like.(他还没碰过一个不喜欢的标价呢。)
- 5、Don't use thesticker price as your gauge when negotiating a deal.(当你在商讨汽车价钱的时候别以商家的标价作为标准。)
- 6、Forty percent cheaper than thesticker price, and only two years old.(比标价还要便宜四成而且还只是两年车。)
- 7、Many parents have found thatsticker charts can be a great motivator.(很多父母都发现贴纸是鼓励孩子的一个很好的东西。)
- 8、I ran downstairs ahead of him to throw my backpack in his old white diesel Mercedes, and there it was: a big, glittery rainbow flagsticker.(我跑下楼越过他,把我的背包扔进他老旧的白色柴油梅赛德斯里,然后我看见:一个巨大、闪闪发光的彩旗贴纸。)
- 9、Some of the models boastedsticker-prices topping those of Mercedes and BMW and were an instant hit.(别克车的一些模特还自夸这款车的售价远远超过了奔驰和宝马,并且声称该车是当时的流行风尚。)
- 10、In shops, you must almost always pay thesticker price.(不过,如果你是在一个正式的大商场里购物的话,应该照价付款,毫无商量的余地。)
- 11、This model carries asticker price of nearly $27,000.(这种型号的车标价差不多是$27000。)
- 12、What a great bumpersticker!(这保险杠贴纸真是太棒了!)
- 13、It's just a cat, not asticker collection.(不过一只猫而已,又不是搞什么贴纸搜集。)
- 14、But when you're shopping at a charity store, pay thesticker price.(但是如果在慈善店里买东西的话,按标价付费吧。)
- 15、Not all of the recalled cantaloupes are labeled with asticker, the FDA said.(FDA指出,召回的蜜瓜并非都贴有标签。)
- 16、If Corina had asticker caught in her hair when she was three, she doesn't remember it.(如果当科瑞娜三岁的时候有一个标签贴在了她的头发上,她不会记住这件事的。)
- 17、Children who guessed right won asticker prize.(猜测正确的孩子将赢得一个奖状。)
- 18、The revisedsticker is expected to be based, at leastin part, on this new SAE standard.(预计修订的标签将以该新SAE标准为基础(至少部分如此)。)
- 19、If you have a redsticker, nobody goes near you.(如果你戴的是红色的贴纸,就不会有人来到你跟前。)
- 20、As the bumpersticker says, "Don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly."(如汽车保险杠上的贴画所言,“开慢点,你的守护天使要赶不上了。”)
- 21、Every book got a gladesticker above the call number.(在每一本书杜威号的上面贴上新的标签。)
- 22、The bumpersticker, if you want peace work for justice,that's where James is.(汽车保险杠贴纸,雅各的观点是让和平为公正效力。)
- 23、Check out thesticker at the bottom of Andy's toy chest for a very familiar clownfish.(看看安迪玩具箱底部的贴纸,上面有一条非常熟悉的小丑鱼。) hao86.com
- 24、It's sort of like that bumpersticker that says you can't have peace without justice.(那就像一些保险杠上的贴纸所说,没有正义就没有和平。)
- 25、Of those 16 children, nine never once found thesticker.(在所有16个孩子当中,9个孩子从未找到过标签。)