- 1、He can't playyo-yo.(他不会玩悠悠球。)
- 2、You need to grab the string with youryo-yo in hand.(你要拿着你的溜溜球抓住绳子。)
- 3、Thisyo-yo style really slows a project down.(这种笨拙的形式的确使项目速度减缓。)
- 4、The boy's favorite toy is ayo-yo.(这男孩心爱的玩具是溜溜球。)
- 5、Strange tricks to play with youryo-yo are in this freeyo-yo video.(玩溜溜球的奇怪技巧就在这个免费溜溜球视频里。)
- 6、Let's playyo-yo in the yard.(我们在院子里玩溜溜球吧。)
- 7、Let's playyo-yo in the yard. Don't forget to bring youryo-yo!(我们在院子里玩溜溜球吧。不要忘了把你的溜溜球带来哦!)
- 8、Children like to playyo-yo.(孩子们喜欢玩溜溜球。)
- 9、You can ask Sophie,yo-yo or anyone else to help you.(你可以叫苏菲、悠悠或者任何人帮你呀。)
- 10、It's a littleyo-yo.(它是一个小的溜溜球。)
- 11、Don't forget to bring youryo-yo!(记得把你的溜溜球带来哦!)
- 12、She told me that she also liked to play Chineseyo-yo and wanted to learn it.(她告诉我她也很喜欢玩空竹,而且她还想学空竹。)
- 13、I like to play with myyo-yo.(我喜欢玩溜溜球。)
- 14、Is it ayo-yo?(它是一个溜溜球吗?)
- 15、The little boy can play with ayo-yo.(这个小男孩会玩溜溜球。)
- 16、A yellowyo-yo is in the yard.(院子里有一个黄色的悠悠球。)
- 17、Ayo-yo can rise and fall.(溜溜球既可以上升也可以下降。)
- 18、Then he took ayo-yo and put it into his schoolbag.(然后他拿走悠悠球,把它放进了书包里。) (好工具hao86.com)
- 19、Is it ayo-yo? Let me have a go.(那是个溜溜球吗?让我来试试吧。)
- 20、I'd like ayo-yo.(我想要一个溜溜球。)
- 21、She has ayo-yo.(她有一个悠悠球。)
- 22、This is myyo-yo.(这是我的溜溜球。)
- 23、I'm studying how to play with ayo-yo.(我正在学习如何玩悠悠球。)
- 24、I have ayo-yo.(我有一个溜溜球。)
- 25、I can buy ayo-yo for him.(我可以买个溜溜球给他。)
- 26、He kept bouncing up and down like ayo-yo.(他像个悠悠球似的蹦蹦跳跳。)
- 27、I'd like ayo-yo as my birthday present.(我想要一个溜溜球作为生日礼物。)
- 28、It's ayo-yo.(它是一个溜溜球。)
- 29、Can you play withyo-yo?(你会玩溜溜球吗?)
- 30、I teach the children how to play Chineseyo-yo outside class.(我课余时间教孩子们抖空竹。)