- 1、The second series of the show really went off theboil.(节目的续集的确逊色一些。)
- 2、She put some potatoes on toboil.(她煮了些土豆。)
- 3、Perhaps the grossest thing I've done as a naturalist is toboil animal skulls.(也许我作为一个自然学家做过的最恶心的事就是煮动物的头骨。)
- 4、It is a painful experience having theboil lanced.(将疖子切开是个痛苦的经历。)
- 5、The sauce should notboil or the egg yolk will curdle.(这调味汁不能煮沸,不然蛋黄会凝结。)
- 6、I'llboil the kettle and make some tea.(我来烧壶开水泡点茶。)
- 7、Sometimes frustration and anger canboil over into direct and violent action.(有时无奈和愤怒会失去控制,变成直接的暴力行为。)
- 8、If you released this pressure, your blood wouldboil.(如果你释放这种压力,你的血液就会沸腾。)
- 9、boil the oil soiled by the coil in the toilet lest it spoils.(把被盥洗室里的线圈弄脏的油煮开,以免变质。)
- 10、We have several projects all on theboil at once.(我们热火朝天地同时上马了几个项目。)
- 11、Weboil them, pound them and add a little salt, and then we put them with the millet husks, which are all we have left now.(我们把它们煮一下,把它们捣碎,再加一点盐,然后把它们与现在剩下的全部小米壳搅拌在一起。)
- 12、As soon as the water started toboil-- "tac"!(当水开始沸腾时,“嗒”的一声!)
- 13、Bring the soup to theboil , then allow it to simmer for five minutes.(把汤煮开,然后文火煮五分钟。)
- 14、I stood in the kitchen, waiting for the water toboil.(我站在厨房里等水开。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 15、In a large saucepan, combine milk, vanilla extract, and 1 tablespoon butter or margarine. Bring to aboil over medium heat, then remove from burner.(在一个大煮锅里,将牛奶、香草香精和1汤勺黄油或人造黄油混合。中火加热,烧开后从炉灶上取下。)
- 16、I'd peel potatoes and put them on toboil.(我会削土豆皮,然后把它们煮了。)
- 17、The water took ages toboil.(好半天水才开了。)
- 18、boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half.(煮沸20分钟直到液体减少一半为止。)
- 19、You canboil the fish fillets on a high setting.(你可以设置在高挡位上煮鱼片。)
- 20、They often use hot water toboil tea leaves.(他们经常用热水煮茶叶。)
- 21、Bring the 3 cups water to aboil in a medium saucepan.(将3杯水加入一个中等大小的炖锅内,煮至沸腾。)
- 22、The increased spending and borrowing made many people's bloodboil.(消费与借贷增加,这让很多人热血沸腾。)
- 23、Keep the kettle at theboil.(使水壶里的水保持沸腾。)
- 24、The best prevention for cholera is toboil or filter water, and eat only well-cooked food.(预防霍乱最好的方法是把水煮沸或过滤,并且只吃煮熟的食物。)
- 25、He had nothing to do butboil the kettle and make the tea.(他除了烧开水和沏茶以外无事可做。)
- 26、The water's just about toboil.(水马上就要开了。)
- 27、Slowly whisk mixture into the milk. Return pan to heat and bring to aboil, stirring constantly.boil and stir 5 minutes.(将混合物缓慢地加入到牛奶中。回锅加热直到煮沸,在此期间不断搅拌。煮沸并搅拌5分钟。)
- 28、Weboil and mash them and cover them in butter, or we cut them into strips, deep-fry them and cover them with salt.(我们将它们煮熟、捣碎、淋上黄油,或是把它们切成条、油炸、撒上盐。)
- 29、What do Chinese people often use toboil tea leaves?(中国人通常用什么来煮茶叶?)
- 30、Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn'tboil for longer than necessary.(使用一个有断流器的水壶,这样水开后它会自动断电。)