


更新时间:2024-06-17 12:15:50

  • 1、Nim eventually gets somechimp companionship.(最后尼姆得到了一些猩猩冠军。)
  • 2、Thischimp, photographed in 2005, displays humanlike concentration as he snags a termite snack.(这只大猩猩,拍摄于2005年,展示了他在捉白蚁吃时候的人类一样的专注。)
  • 3、But if Kohts sat down and pretended to cry, thechimp would go to her immediately.(但是倘若柯茨坐下来假装哭泣,小猩猩就会立刻跑到她身边来。)
  • 4、Sticks and stones may break some bones... unless you're a young femalechimp.(棍棒石块打断骨,(言辞不能伤我身)……除非你是一只年轻的雌性猩猩。)
  • 5、I have mixed feelings onchimp studies.(我在黑猩猩研究中融入了感情。)
  • 6、The disease likely started with achimp to human jump, recent research confirmed.(最近的研究证实,这种疾病可能是从非洲黑猩猩向人类传播而来的。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 7、56-year-oldchimp gives birth at zoo in Kansas.(五十六岁的黑猩猩在堪萨斯动物园生子。)
  • 8、The brain of achimp and the brain of a human are not that different anatomically.(猩猩的大脑和人类的大脑结构上没有太大的区别。)
  • 9、But now compare with thechimp culture - there are key differences.(但是当将人类文化与黑猩猩文化进行比较,就有了比较关键的差异了。)
  • 10、Achimp will share food to keep friends.(大猩猩为了维持朋友会拿出食物分享。)
  • 11、chimps tickle each other and even laugh when anotherchimp pretends to tickle them.(黑猩猩彼此咯吱对方时,它们会笑得乐不可支;当另一只黑猩猩假装要咯吱它们时,它们还会一直笑。)
  • 12、Evenchimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children, who are able from a young age to gather their own food.(连母猩猩也经常拒绝和孩子们分享食物,因此孩子们从小就能自己觅食。)
  • 13、A malechimp may know in his lifetime just 12 other males, all from his own group.(一个雄性大猩猩一生中可能只认识12个其他的雄性,而且都来源于自己的种群。)
  • 14、To be certain that Rollie was talented, Mr. Ross ran a brightchimp through the same process and compared the results.(罗斯先生为了确认罗妮的确聪明,他对一只聪明的黑猩猩进行了相同的研究,并比较了研究结果。)
  • 15、If achimp at the zoo flings feces at you, throw some right back.(如果一只动物园里的黑猩猩拿便便扔你,你也找东西扔他。)
  • 16、So now we can return to thechimp-human question.(到现在为止,我们返回到黑猩猩-人类的问题上。)
  • 17、Is its expression pattern different in the human than in mouse, rat, orchimp?(它在人类身上的表达模式与在老鼠、大鼠或黑猩猩身上的不同吗?)
  • 18、The worst of all is the implication that at some point there existed something halfway between achimp and a human.(最糟糕的是,这暗示着在某一时刻,在黑猩猩和人类之间存在着某种东西。)
  • 19、Thechimp pulls off the leaves and chews the stick.(黑猩猩把树叶扯下来,咀嚼树枝。)
  • 20、'it is not achimp, and it is not human,' said Dr. White.(怀特说,他们不是黑猩猩,但也不是人类。)
  • 21、Had a few, fateful mutations changed an innocuouschimp virus into a human killer?(是一些决定性的突变让这种良性的猩猩病毒变身为人类杀手的吗?)
  • 22、Thechimp had a sweet and tactile side but could also be violent, messy and vicious.(这只猩猩有可爱和通人性的一面,但也有粗暴、肮脏和邪恶的一面。)
  • 23、One day, a large malechimp wandered29 into the camp.(一天,一只雄性大黑猩猩遛达进了宿营地。)
  • 24、Three weeks after Flo's death, the formerly healthy youngchimp is dead, too.(福娄死后3周,这只曾经年轻健康的小黑猩猩也死掉了。)
  • 25、Evenchimp mothers regularly decline to share food with their children.(甚至黑猩猩的母亲也经常拒绝与孩子分享食物。)


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