好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的collect coins的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了26条collect coins的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了collect coins的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、That's a rare set of COINS. How long did it take you to collect them?(这是一套很罕见的钱币。你用了多长时间收集的?)
- 2、I like to collect post CARDS, COINS, and match boxes.(我喜欢收集明信片、钱币和火柴盒。)
- 3、How long did it take you to collect these ancient COINS?(你用了多长时间才收集到这些古代硬币?)
- 4、When you sign up, you adopt an animated penguin to chat with friends, play games, explore,collect coins and even personalize your very own igloo.(注册时,你就会领养一只活泼的企鹅来与朋友聊天、玩游戏、探索、收集硬币、甚至让你自己的圆顶冰屋个性化。)
- 5、It took him ten years to collect the ancient COINS.(他花了十年的时间收集这些古代硬币。)
- 6、I collect foreign COINS.(我收藏外国硬币。)
- 7、Oh, there are just coins inside. I collect them as a hobby. About 300 dollars, I guess.(喔,里面都是硬币。收集硬币是我的爱好。大约300美元吧,我估计。)
- 8、I also like to collect stamp, post CARDS, COINS, and match boxes.(我也喜欢集邮,收集明信片、钱币和火柴盒。)
- 9、When you sign up, you adopt an animated penguin to chat to friends, play games, explore,collect coins and even personalise your very own igloo.(当你注册后,你就会领养一直动画企鹅,与朋友聊天,玩游戏,探索,收集硬币,甚至个性化你自己的圆顶冰屋。)
- 10、They keep pets, chat on the Net and collect things such as coins, dolls or stamps.(他们养宠物、网上聊天,还搞收集,像硬币、玩具娃娃和邮票等。)
- 11、Yes, Icollect coins.(对,我收集钱币。)
- 12、That's rare set of COINS. How long did it take you to collect them?(这是一套很罕见钱币。你用了多长时间收集的?)
- 13、You have to help Frogman to collect all the jewels and COINS, and to find the way home, ashore.(你有帮助蛙人,收集所有的首饰和硬币,并找到回家的路上,上岸。)
- 14、Bonus COINS to collect!(红利硬币收集!)
- 15、One of the hardest levels I played was one where you had to flip a network of platforms by flicking the Wii remote in order to collect 100 purple COINS within 4 minutes.(在我玩的所有关卡中我觉得最难得就是在网上收集金币。你必须轻弹和翻转Wiimote,在4分钟内收集到100个紫色金币。)
- 16、Collect stamps, old COINS, matchboxes, first editions.(搜集邮票、硬币、火柴盒、初版物。)
- 17、He and I have a common hobby, we bothcollect coins.(我和他有相同的爱好。我们都收集硬币。)
- 18、I like tocollect coins of different countries.(我喜欢收集不同国家的硬币。)
- 19、Narrator: Sandy and Tom both collect foreign COINS.(旁白:桑迪和汤姆都收集外国硬币。) 【hao86.com好工具】
- 20、I don't know why bees collect gold COINS - but such is the nature of the game.(我不知道为什么蜜蜂收集金币,不过这种性质的游戏。)
- 21、The boy was helped by a woman to collect his scattered coins.(那男孩由一个妇女帮他捡拾散乱一地的钱币。)
- 22、No, but I like to collect stamps and COINS.(不,但我喜欢收集邮票和钱币。)
- 23、You remember: thousands of two pence coins lie on a moving shelf, and you have to drop in coins of your own in the hope it will cause the pennies to tumble down for you to collect.(你还记得:在一个移动带上有数千个2便士硬币摞成摞,你必须投掷自己的硬币,并希望它会导致那些成摞的硬币被击倒,这样你就能悉数归拢这些硬币了。)
- 24、That's rare set of coins. How long did it take you to collect them?(这是一套罕见的钱币。你用了多久来收集它?。)
- 25、I like to travel on holiday. I also like to collect stamps, postcards, COINS and match boxes.(我喜欢在假期旅行。我也喜欢集邮、收集明信片、钱币和火柴盒。)
- 26、Another popular way to collect is to choose a theme and then look for coins that have pictures of the animals, people, or object that fit into that theme.(另一种流行的收集方式是选择一个主题,然后寻找带有动物、人物或与该主题相匹配的物体图案的硬币。)