
cling to

cling to造句

更新时间:2024-08-28 12:47:22

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的cling to的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条cling to的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了cling to的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、He does sincerelycling to the idea that his people all love him.(他真诚坚执的信念是他的人民都爱他。)
  • 2、Other birds unknowingly carry seeds thatcling to them for the ride.(其他鸟类不知不觉地携带着种子,这些种子附着在它们身上搭便车。)
  • 3、Girls don't like guys who have no lives, and whocling to them like plastic wrap.(姑娘们不喜欢没生活的男生,更不喜欢像塑料包装一样黏糊着她们的家伙。)
  • 4、Otherscling to internal computer models, but their accountants are cracking down on them.(而另一些公司则倾向于内部计算机模式,但是会计师压制了这一做法。)
  • 5、If kids feel safe, they don'tcling to their mothers, they play with their toys.(如果儿童感到安全,他们就不会缠着母亲不放,他们会自己去玩玩具。)
  • 6、In fact, we sometimescling to our grievances and grudges.(事实上,有的时候是我们太过纠结于自己的委屈和怨恨。)
  • 7、Instead, he appears determined tocling to power.(反而,他看来坚决要握紧权力不放。)
  • 8、They mustcling to that awareness in years ahead, for what they have done is only a start.(未来多年期间,他们必须坚持这种意识,因为他们迄今所做的,只是一个开始。)
  • 9、Beads of watercling to its screen, necklaces unstrung.(水珠粘附在后门的纱屏上,就像松开了的项链珠子。)
  • 10、It will follow you, sleep beside you, andcling to your chest no matter what you do.(它会跟着你,就睡在你的旁边,抓住你的胸口无论你做了什么荒唐事。)
  • 11、Theycling to the belly of their oppressor and simply hang on with tooth and claw.(它们紧紧地抱住猎食者的腹部,单用牙齿和爪子将自己挂在那里。)
  • 12、Often, opposition comes not only from the conservatives, whocling to tradition, but also from the extremist militants, who favor neither the old nor the new.(通常,反对意见不仅来自坚持传统的保守派,也来自极端主义武装分子,他们既不喜欢旧的,也不喜欢新的。)
  • 13、Those whocling to erroneous views and unjustifiable demands shall be educated by criticism.(对于确属坚持错误意见和无理要求的人,要给以批评教育。)
  • 14、So youcling to your thoughts harder and harder and keep your mind closed.(所以坚持你自己的想法,与外界隔绝。)
  • 15、Everyone around us seems to agree by the way theycling to their phones, even without a signal on a subway.(我们周围的每个人似乎都同意,即使在地铁上没有信号,他们也会紧握手机不放。)
  • 16、Remnants of cloudscling to the horizon like fluffs of cotton wool.(天边留连着几朵残云,看起来象蓬松的棉絮。)
  • 17、Tat: Since you don't like your perception of him, whycling to it?(乙:既然你不喜欢你对他的这份认识,为什么还坚持这份认识呢?)
  • 18、The title is now used by Iranians to laugh at people whocling to this illusion.(这个名称现在被伊朗人用来嘲笑那些抱着这个狂想症的人。) (好工具
  • 19、Now the men's and women's lines of undershirts and leggings are cut tocling to the body.(现在男士和女士汗衫以及紧身裤已经被修剪到可以贴身穿着。)
  • 20、Most people I know stillcling to the idea that love has to have a happy ending.(我认识的许多人仍然认为,每个爱情故事必定会有幸福的结局。)
  • 21、Despite the low rate of success at the market, parentscling to the hope that they will find a suitable match for their offspring.(尽管在市场上的成功率很低,父母们还是抱着给孩子找个合适的伴侣的希望。)
  • 22、I have this theory that, to us the world is a flat thing we stand on, but to birds it is a cliff theycling to.(我有一种想法,就是对我们来说,世界是一个我们所站立的平坦的东西,而对鸟来说是一个它们所依靠的峭壁。)
  • 23、The British prime minister is too apt tocling to Washington's apron strings.(英国首相对华府过于唯命是从。)
  • 24、Because of Paula, I don'tcling to anything anymore.(因为女儿,我不再是那个什么事情都放不下的人。)
  • 25、Since you don't like your perception of him, whycling to it?(既然你不喜欢你对他的看法,为什么还坚持这个看法呢?)
  • 26、Theycling to electrons quite tenaciously.(它们和电子紧紧地靠在一起。)
  • 27、Theycling to the belly of their oppressor and hang on with tooth and claw.(它们紧紧地抓住猎食者的腹部,用牙齿和爪子紧紧抓住不放。)
  • 28、Some herecling to eating quinoa despite its rising price.(不论藜麦价格如何上涨,有些玻利维亚人仍旧坚持食用藜麦。)
cling to基本释义

cling to

英 [kliŋ tu:] 美 [klɪŋ tu] 

抱住; 固守; 贴近
