好工具造句栏目为您提供2025年的come due的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条come due的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了come due的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
- 1、The ability to meet maturing obligations as theycome due.(有能力偿还到期的债务。)
- 2、If any group is in the direct line of fire, it is those private-equity firms that paid fortunes for leveraged buy-outs in 2006-07, and whose debtscome due in 2009.(如果有一个惨烈程度的话,那么最惨的就是06年至07年在杠杆收购上投下巨资的私募股权公司,它们的债务在2009年到期。)
- 3、Apparently, that day has come because seemingly routine operations such as knee replacements are now much more hazardous due to the looming threat of these infections.(显然,这一天已经到来,因为由于这些感染的潜在威胁,膝关节置换等看似常规的手术现在要危险得多。)
- 4、Suddenly, a lot of these bills havecome due at once.(大量帐单突然到期。)
- 5、When billscome due, only cash is legal tender.(在要付账的时候,只有现金才是合法的硬通货。)
- 6、They therefore represent creditors' claim on an organization's assets and are listed in the order that theycome due.(因而,他代表债权人对企业资产的要求全,并按照其到期日的顺序排列。)
- 7、The bad news is that as certainly as exploding fireworks illuminate the sky, the bills will eventuallycome due for many kids who can't afford to pay them.(不好的一方面是就好比爆炸的烟花终将照亮天空,对于很多没有能力支付账单的孩子,账单终将会到期。)
- 8、Thus, in due order I come to the interactive query for searches.(这样,按期望的次序开始进行检索的交互式查询。)
- 9、As your maintenance agreementscome due, you can make informed decisions to renew, upgrade, or replace software.(随着维护协议到期,您可以明智地决定是续约、升级还是替换软件。)
- 10、Still, around two trillion dollars in commercial mortgages are expected tocome due for payment within the next five years.(另外,大约两万亿美元的商业抵押贷款被期望在五年内能到期给付。)
- 11、The company incurs major debts or fails to repay those debts that havecome due in violation of an agreement;(公司发生重大亏损或者遭受超过净资产百分之十以上的重大损失;)
- 12、The failure of the bail-out package has dramatically increased the risk that GM and Chrysler will be insolvent before the year is out as bills from their supplierscome due.(对于面临对供应商按时付款压力的通用汽车和克莱斯勒,救援法案未获通过使他们在年底前破产的风险大幅上升。) [hao86.com好工具]
- 13、In Arkansas, people's car license feescome due every year on their birthdays, when they have to go to the revenue offices in their local counties to renew them.(在阿肯色州,每年人们的汽车牌照费是在他们过生日那天交纳的,这天他们需要到当地的县税务署更换汽车牌照。)
- 14、Experiments show that the memory lapses that come with age are not simply due to brain slowing down.(试验显示,随着年龄增长而出现的记忆衰退并不仅仅是因为大脑思维减慢。)
- 15、But all the bad loans and toxic assets from poor decisions in the past are still on their books, he said, and reckoning willcome due eventually.(但所有因以前的错误决定而造成的银行死帐和抵债资产仍然将记录在案,他说,并理所当然的要偿还。)
- 16、He predicts high failure rates for smaller regional banks in 2010 as commercial real estate loanscome due.(他预计,随着商业房地产贷款到期,2010年规模较小的地区性银行的失败率会很高。)
- 17、In a few years, when the billscome due, and Congress must enact major spending cuts as well as raise taxes (and not just on the rich), that's when we will see if things have changed.(几年之内,当那些帐单到期的时候,也就是国会议员们不得不制定法律来削减开支,提高税率的时候,到那时这些可不仅仅是针对富人了。那就是我们看到形势改变的时候了。)
- 18、Later, of course, he'll have to play Scrooge, telling the country that the bill hascome due.(当然,随后他将不得不扮演吝啬鬼斯库奇,告诉这个国家帐单要到期了。)
- 19、He has urged them to come to an equitable compromise that gives Hughes his proper due.(他已敦促他们达成公平合理的妥协,给休斯应得的权益。)
- 20、But, to be precise, it is not that the feeling of pain and imbalance hascome due to wrong practice.(但是,更准确地说,疼痛和不平衡感并非来源于错误的练习。)
- 21、High-flown and amazing will come in due time.(必要的时候,高不可攀和令人惊讶会出现。)
- 22、The seeds of marital dissolution are not only easier to see but they may be planted even before the honeymoon billscome due.(离婚的种子不仅很容易看到,而且可能在蜜月账单到期之前就埋下了。)
- 23、German and French Banks, Greece's largest lenders, are also pitching in with complex plans that push off the day when debtscome due.(德国和法国银行业是希腊最大的债权人,它们也协力参与了一系列复杂的方案,希望推迟债务到期日。)
- 24、In a case dating from March last year, due to come to court soon, a pregnant woman and her unborn baby were killed and body parts taken.(在去年3月发生的一起案件中,由于即将开庭,一位孕妇和她没有出生的孩子被杀害,身体器官被取走。)
- 25、Some of this money will inevitably be wasted and Banks' non-performing loans will rise in future years as paymentscome due.(其中部分资金将不可避免地被浪费掉,未来几年里这部分借贷到期时,银行的坏账将增加。)
- 26、Current liabilities are the company's liabilities which willcome due, or must be paid, within one year.(流动负债是一年内到期或必须支付的公司债务。)
- 27、What happens next is that we may face some trouble repaying our loans when many of themcome due.(接下来,当许多债项到期的时候,我们在偿还方面可能会有困难。)
- 28、Inability to discharge all ones debts as theycome due.(没有能力还清到期的债务。)
- 29、In a sense, the bill hascome due for the past 25 years.(从某种意义上来说,过去的25年里的帐单已经到期了。)